Reconciliation - Inter-entity loan reconciliation
Ability to identify transactions that are transferred between related entity loan accounts that have separate Xero accounts.
Purpose: a huge time saver for partners who are dealing with multiple Xero orgs.

Brett Wignall commented
It would literally save Days of time. Needs to include the ability to recognise AUD and non AUD eg NZD base rates so that you can match / reconcile across different currencies
Julian Versloot commented
Back in the 1990's I used a server based ledger system in Australia - Solution 6 (the original - not the renamed MYOB product).
It had the ability to link ledgers together so when I posted a journal for example (my imaginary XYZ Trading entity):
Debit - Accounting Fees
Credit - Loan ABC InvestmentsSolution 6 would then automatically open up the ledger of ABC Investments and post the following entry automatically:
Debit - Loan XYZ Trading.
I'd then need to allocate the Credit side of the entry to close the pop-up.This ensured that inter-entity loan accounts were always in balance, and it saved lots of time.
That was a fantastic feature of the old Solution 6 product, and it would be great if Blue Xero also had this feature.
Flynn O'Meara commented
Totally agree. It could even be presented as a bank account, where transactions created in one entity appear (inverted) in the other entity ready to be reconciled, and vise versa.
Antoinette Micallef commented
This would be a really helpful feature.
It would also be good if I could open different tabs and view our different organizations without Xero changing the organization that is open on the other tabs.
Currently, when I have 2 tabs open, one for each organization, the one that I am not working on will change to match the tab I am on. Having different tabs open for each organization assists me in ensuring that when transferring funds from one to the other in loan accounts, that everything matches as it should.