Manual Journals - Journal in foreign currency and see FX rate on journal
Ability to process a manual journal in foreign currency and to pull the exchange rate on the date of the journal.
Purpose: It’s beneficial for organisations who are dealing and operate with multiple currencies
Hi community, first off thank you for contributing and detailing why posting manual journals in a foreign currency is of interest to you all.
We appreciate our customers would like to see more capability in accounting for and dealing in foreign currencies across Xero.
In it's current form Manual Journals are a part of Xero that require some upgrade to uplift technology in order to provide capability for ideas like this to be considered. We have intentions of bringing attention to this over the coming year, however getting this done first is necessary before we can even think about adding newer functionality like journaling in another currency to the mix.
To set the expectation here, there is no work planned over 2023 for this feature. We know it's of high interest and when we're in a place to reassess we will share with you here.
Marika Muizniece commented
Because we can't enter Manual journals in other currencies, we now have to recalculate the balancesheet account value manually on a monthly basis and post manual journals to reflect that. Xero can handle invoices & bills as well as bank entries / purchase ledgers in other currencies so this functionality would be great addition and hopefully not the most complex one. Just need to define that FX balances in Balance sheet accounts need revaluing every month whilst P&L entries can remain at spot rate.
Malaka Madusanka commented
Same problem here.
Alan Bryon commented
seems logical that if we can enter FC invoices we should also be able to enter journals for provisions in particular in FC.