Invoices - Ability to Unvoid
To get the ability to unvoid Invoices
Purpose: Because creating a new invoice will generate a new invoice number, and if user can unvoid it, they can still get the same invoice number.
Chamonix Terblanche commented
Yes please, I have voided an invoice that needs to be unvoided now. It is really unbelievable that this cannot be reversed in Xero.
Gregory Ivanov commented
This feature is required to rectify the issue that arises when an invoice is voided in error and needs to be recovered. Just looking through the requests for how to reverse a voided invoice there is a sigificant demand for this feature. AS most errors are picked up in checks and reconciliation of account in preparation of Business Activity Statements, may I suggest that a void be permitted to be reversed until the period (month/quarter) has been closed off which would allow for any errors found in reconciling accounts to be rectified before closure of the period.