User Role - Invoice Only + View Reports
Ability to assign a user where they can only have Invoice only and view only reports.
Purpose: To make user permission easier to set up, rather than having to upgrade them into Standard. As this will allow a user having access to more confidential reports.

Geraldine Tobias commented
We have team members that enter sales invoices but then cannot run an aged debtors report. This is really unhelpful. She was able to do this on Sage and really impacts her day to day job. We don't want her to be able to access bank info etc but we need a way for her to access the reports relevant to her role.
HUSK Accounts commented
If you can create an invoice, surely you should be able to see customer history and invoices you have previously created. They need to update this to allow users to create invoices and see customer history without us having to open up the whole purchasing side of the business to them
Yes as a minimum Invoice Only - Approve and Pay users should get:-
Aged receivables
Aged Payables
Sales Item reports -
Sueveena Damba commented
These reports are important for the finance teams. The limited access prevents them from viewing confidential information but that access also limits the reports that can be viewed.
Allowing Advisers to select reports for limited users would allows them to extract reports themselves to perform the related tasks.
Stephan Yeong commented
This is important for the billing/sales team.
We rely heavily on tracking categories for department performance tracking.
Also, my billing team require reports for tracking customer payments, credit notes and write-offs.This will enable them to do the extracts themselves. The standard access has too much confidential data.
David Coutts commented
Sales, purchases and contact reporting is important for the operations manager but there is no need for them to have access to the bank account or other confidential information.
Anél le Grange commented
They could be able to view the activity on a contact without having to increase their access to Standard
Anél le Grange commented
Their access to the contacts aspect of Xero, should not be limited, because it links directly to the invoices that they are responsible for.
Rizaan Woensdregt-du Plessis commented
The ability for a user (only quotes/invoicing rights) to run reports on Customers i.e Customer Age Analysis/Customer Transactions
Maria Cook commented
Yes, I agree the permissions need to be more customisable for each role rather than one types fits everyone.
I would like to have the facilities to give an access only to raise POs but not to invoices.
Also, the remittance advice to be accessible by anyone, not just the purchase ledger team.
Lesley Christian commented
We use Invoice only permissions for sales and purchasing for the staff entering the transactions.
Unsure why related reports aren't available already since other accounts systems offer limited reporting functionality.
For example access to a proper age analysis report for debtors and creditors rather than an awkward workaround using a contact smartlist.
Standard permissions provides far too much access to confidential data, and yet restricted access is far to restrictive.
The permissions need to be more customisable for each role rather than one types fits everyone.
HK.Juan Finance Team #1 commented
Yes, our company confidential report all not secure in "standard" users but very limited in "limited" users.
Karen Eddy commented
Access to sales and purchase ledger reports without access to bank