Quotes - Copy partial Quote to an Invoice
Ability to copy some part of quotes into invoice.
Purpose: Users’ can easily send an invoice for the work that clients/customers have done from what’s written on the quote.

Ceri Gwynne commented
Currently we are amending the quote by deleting lines when we part invoice - this is to stop us running the risk of invoicing the full quote in error in the future and not just what's outstanding. However this means that we never have the full quote history for part invoiced quotes on xero. A function for the quote to automatically update with remaining lines to invoice whilst still keeping the history of the full quote intact would be extremely beneficial to our business and save significant amount of time in having to save quotes outside of Xero and search as needed.
Zoe Lengthorn commented
Having the ability to be able to choose certain items from a quote to invoice and then the quote updating to show what has yet been invoiced would be a great funtion.
Suman Hissaria commented
I would like to be able to partially invoice for items on a quote.
Then the quote showing what had been invoiced and what was left to invoice. -
Karen Robinson commented
This is something I need to do, so agree this would be a useful function.
Hayley Weeks commented
Yes if a quote has multiple line items that need to be invoiced at different times it would be great if once you invoice one item the quote is updated to show what has been invoiced and leaves the remaining amount still to be invoiced.
Rebeka Morrow commented
Yes, this would be absolutely fantastic! I've had clients hassle to go back to Quickbooks because Xero does not have this function.
Tammy Street commented
Yes this is needed. We request based of the quote an upfront payment to schedule, then progress payments so this would assist in reconciling against the quote.
Ian McAlpine commented
I would like to be able to partially invoice and create a packing slip for items on a quote.
With the quote showing what had been invoiced and what was left to invoice. -
Rob Armstrong commented
I agree this feature is needed. So far as a new Xero user, it just feels like the platform creates more work rather than making you more efficient!
Julia Waghorne commented
Yes this is a need! As sometimes a quote might be partially completed, and only part of it is due for invoicing - but the remainder needs to stay put, ready for the job completion.
Marie Griggs commented
This is why I signed on for accounting software, thinking I'd be able to keep track of the progress invoices against a quote. Surprised it's not a feature.
Chris Tinta commented
Would love the Xero projects quote functionality to be available in Xero Quotes/Invoicing
Yen Khai Lim commented
We did have purchase order in bulk of goods or service and supplier will sent us by few time of delivery goods or service. And it happen to Quote to sales invoice too. There is no possible to show percentage of PO/quote balance after partial convert only, So we have a problem to control how much/how much of percentage of work amount we havent invoice from Quote and how much/how much of percentage of work amount havent received goods and service from supplier from PO.
We have many client base on project base billing need to trace to quotation and purchase order how percentage biling in accounting. Some of them feel trouble might switch to other accounting software and we as a outsource of their bookeeper we also feel disappointed on this Xero lack of this useful function, we lose thier job as well.
If Xero can done it will attract more client switch to XEro
Jacqueline Kaytar commented
I have provided a quote and now need to charge my client a 50% deposit invoice, this is a standard way of doing business, how is this not already a standard feature in Xero?
Jodie Lee commented
This is really vital... we have large quotes but once accepted they are often billed in stages, not all at once and it's fiddly having to constantly check back and forth to see what has/hasn't been billed and how much is left to bill. Please update this urgently.
Jodie Lee commented
This is really vital... we have large quotes but once accepted they are often billed in stages, not all at once and it's fiddly having to constantly check back and forth to see what has/hasn't been billed and how much is left to bill. Please update this urgently.
Hazel Stapleton commented
As the Xero system seems to encourage you to move from Project to Quote to Invoice it is critical for businesses who partially deliver and invoice quotes to be able to track this. Perhaps an inventory item or service on a quote could be given a status such as 'Filled' and 'Invoiced' so you immediately know at what stage it is at. Partially invoicing a quote at the moment only seems to add the items to the quote instead of eliminating them. Oracle ONLY offers un-invoiced filled items for a new invoice, so you don't invoice an item twice.
Riki Janse van Rensburg commented
We would like to see which parts of a quote has already been invoiced, and which parts are still to be invoiced. As our projects run over a period of +- 3 months, we invoice the parts of the quote that has already been completed, each month.
It would be great if Xero could build in a feature which allows the user to avoid having to do manual recons of past invoices on each quote. -
Anne Peterson commented
the ability to see the balance left on a quote after being partially invoiced, the option is available in other software's and I have a current client threatening to go elsewhere if this option is not made readily available in Xero
Coral Griffis commented
Invoiced quotes should have a link to the invoice. When you open a quote and it says "invoiced", you should be able to click on that word and be taken to the invoice.