Fixed Assets - Dispose multiple assets at once
Ability to dispose of multiple fixed assets at once.
Purpose: To save users’ time, because the current process is users need to dispose assets one by one.

Mathew Johns commented
This feature would save many hours of work for accountants. Please implement ASAP.
Michael Dendle commented
8 Years on from the initial idea being floated, can we please get this added.
Jack Albrecht commented
Please add this feature
David Dalton commented
Real important and should be the same process as importing an asset register!
Beth White commented
We desperately need this please and thanks.
Joanne Johnston commented
please update this as soon as you can. it will save a tremendous amount of unnecessary work
Catherine Matson commented
Urgently required. This will save accountants alot of time.
Allison Henderson commented
Would be very helpful in certain situations
Timothy Williams commented
I can't believe this isn't already a feature in 2023, assets needs urgent attention.
Weiya Mao commented
There should be a function in XERO Fixed Assets Register to allow bulk dispose assets that are no longer used/sold.
Carol-Anne Brooke commented
Really need this option to be available ASAP. Would save so much time
Michael Mason commented
Essential change!
Chris Lowrie commented
Please, please add this. One by one disposal is horrendous
Daniell McCoy commented
Great idea - massive time suck to have to dispose of assets one-by-one.
Sarah Cousins commented
Need to be able to bulk dispose assets, for example when a Company sells the business
Vikas Deshwal commented
We should be able to dispose multiple items directly from sale invoices where you can choose which assets you can want to sell. The sale invoIce should be able to adjust the assets register as well.
Anju Bala commented
Much needed functionality. Bring it earlier than early.
Selina Chung commented
Yes please...there is a way to import FA in bulk hope to have the option for disposal too.
Ami Wegrzyn commented
Yes definitely and in Xero tax also - if disposed off in Xero then automatically dispose in Xero tax. It is very time consuming to dispose of assets individually.
Should also apply to any asset additions, they should automatically be included in Xero tax, we can then select FYA or Super-deduction but at least have the additions listed. -
Rhema Mahler commented
This is a very important feature that competing accounting systems have.