Files - Include attached files when using 'Copy'
Ability to keep the files attached when users’ they’ve copied it into Bills.
Purpose: To save users’ time from having to manually send the file attachment separately.

James Beylotte commented
We often copy a quote that has file attachments to send to a different contact. The copy of the quote retains the file attachment. However, when we change the Contact in the quote and save it, we lose the attached file. Could you please fix this so that the file attachments remain with the quote when changing the contact?
Ernst Van Tonder commented
Dear Xero Team,
I too wish to echo the echos of all previous comments related to this matter.
It would save a monumental amount of time not having to repeat tasks that have essentially already been done.
Kealan Coleman commented
Dear Xero team,
I echo all the previous comments about the necessity to copy across any attachments from the original Purchase Order to the newly created Bill.
This would save us a lot of time, and makes logical sense.
Please please enable this!
Thank you kindly.
Paul Karma commented
Dear Xero Team you already have similar functionality when it comes to sending an invoice with attachments. They just need the option to copy with attachments not just copy statement lines /fields
Claire Brown commented
The is really needed or you are having to duplicate work in downloading them again and attaching to the bill.
Louis Notley commented
This is absolutely essential. Without it invoicing customers for expenses incurred becomes quicker to manually, obviating the need for online accounting software altogether. Come on Xero this is long overdue, get on with adding this to your software.
Gary Stewart commented
On the Advanced Menu - History and notes
An option to 'restore' a file that has been deleted, and appears here marked as deleted, like for example a Bill
The deleted bill (and it's attachments) can be viewed in here but not 'restored'
The only option appears to be to copy the bill, but the attachments aren't copied over, and so have to be downloaded and uploaded again
This could be a general feature in other 'Copy' places if there was an option to Copy - with attachments
Hannah Ormsby commented
I have up to 20 attachments at a time and it is very time consuming. This would be very helpful!
Mike Yates commented
Keep the same file attached when converting a Purchase Order to a Bill.
Jeff Cross commented
Would be nice if there was an option to attach the files from a Purchase Order when converting to a Bill
Matthew Bould commented
This would be a useful feature to have please