Bank Reconciliation - Untick 'Show (currency) items only' by default
Ability to untick the option of ‘Show currency items only’ by default.
Purpose: To avoid confusion especially for users who are dealing with multiple currencies.

Erik van Eekelen commented
The only reason that I went with the comprehensive plan is for the multi-currency support, because - like the others here- most of my bills are in other currencies. However, there is limited value in having multi-currency support if it doesn't speed up my workflow in reconsolidating these items: With the current settings it requires 3 extra clicks to match a bill/transaction in a different currency!
Adam Haworth commented
Please consider this, from a developer's point it would be so simple to change this!
Alex Proskurnya commented
I have many invoices in foreign currencies, need to perform this untick for every single invoice. It would be better if we can set this by default to save time
Camilla Chandley commented
Being a fairly new user to Xero I find that not being able to see all currencies in one go rather frustrating having to untick the box at reconciliation - please can this default to all entries whatever currency being shown and have the option to show local currency only as a tick box?
Steve Scotton commented
Would save time if we didn't have to manually untick the 'Show [whatever currency] only' when reconciling.
Mark Herbert commented
Still no update on this?
Jonathan Brewer commented
This issue has been a problem for me going back more than five years. It was previously tracked under Xero Community issue 8403839.
Kylie Attewell commented
Makes it so much easier if all transactions are available to see right from the get go
Rowan Alexander commented
Super annoying having to untick everytime
Krystal Butcher commented
Critical - for a company that deals with multiple forgien currencies daily. What is the harm of this showing all currencies by default?
Gael Beddoes commented
Agree with this so much. If you have multi-currency options setup why would you need this extra step every time in the bank rec. Please at least add an option in currency settings to display all items.
Jane Stubbs commented
When you've got a client that has multiple invoices in a foreign currency, having to untick the box and manually match really slows you down. Please allow an option to be able to permanently untick the AUD items only box. Thanks
PAUL WEST commented
Please add!
Extra clicks to reconcile foreign currency invoices slows the process down. -
✖‿✖ Jess Holland commented
Please add this!
Francois Viljoen commented
On the old forums, this was requested as far back as 2016, don't get your hopes up that this will happen.
Patricia Connor commented
This would be great - I was just searching to see how to change this default setting as I regularly have to uncheck this box. Please add this feature!
Jeremy Worthington commented
New transactions are being created when it is thought that bills are missing.
Scott Butler commented
Yes please! So many unncessary clicks.
Graham Jones commented
Or even just have it remember what it was last set to