Reporting: Reconciliation Reports - Ability to upload bank/credit card statement
ability to add/upload the bank statement/credit card statement to reconciliation report for future cross checking by accountant

Bronwyn Lock commented
Upload statement to reconciliation report would be very very useful. Please enable this
Jane Hill commented
Please add as an Option
Neisa Reid commented
Yes this would be ideal in keepiing everything together. or if we could at least link the recopnciliation to the uploaded files.
Forge Health commented
please add this as an option!
Wendell Beuke commented
Can you not add the statement as a standard file into Xero?
Lynn Marshall commented
Nearly 3 years down the line and still not an option...please fix this Xero!
Jo Schon commented
Can we please have t he ability to attach a bank statement to a Bank reconciliation report
Joanne Heathcote commented
Once a bank reconciliation report has been run and we are happy that the bank reconciles correctly, it would be good to be able to mark the reconciliation as complete to show a history that the check was done then attach the physical bank statement that agrees to the bank balance. This aids review when a senior is overseeing a junior's work.
Carol Estava commented
It would be SO useful to be able to add a pdf of the bank statement to the published report!
At the moment, when I am preparing a year end for the accounts staff, I have to send a pdf copy of the statement and I am certain it could easily be added on the reconciliation report screen to negate this.
Michelle Tucker commented
I totally agree, we need the ability to attach a copy of the bank statement to the bank account. The files section is a great feature but the statement really needs attaching to the bank account or reconciliation report please. As this was suggested in 2022 and it is now 2024 can someone look at it please.
Dianne Jones commented
If we could upload Bank Statements to Bank Reconciliation, both Accountants & Bookkeepers have access to the balance of each statement; especially 30 June for Australia.
Loretta Bull commented
This would save so much time double checking reconciliations.
Jean Marie Meyer commented
It would be useful to be able to attach a bank statement in pdf format to a bank reconciliation. Preparing monthly reports require verification of the physical bank statement regardless of bank feed being in balance. it will help to have the bank statement on hand in Xero when preparing reports like the Bank reconciliation report so that it isn't necessary to still attach the physical bank statement separately with a monthly reporting pack.
Linda Dickeson commented
I know this is already possible in Xero because I have done it for one month in this financial year, however, I have forgotten how to do it. When I asked Xero, they said it is not possible yet. I have proof it is!! I cannot upload my example because of confidentiality unfortunately.
Lester Bartle commented
I certainly would have use for such a feature. Would be good
Greg Caudell commented
This would be life changing. Xero lets us attach support to just about every transaction. It would be great if we could lock down a reconciliation and attach a pdf of the statement to which we reconciled. This is maybe the only thing that QBO does better than Xero.
Greg Caudell commented
This is a great idea and perhaps the only thing that QBO does better than Xero. Now that HubDoc will no longer pull statements from anywhere, it would be great to be able to "publish" a bank reconciliation once complete and attach a pdf of the statement. I'd be happy to attach the file. I'm nto talking about anything automated or fancy here.
Anna McLaughlin commented
Would you allow a facility for clients to upload a copy of their bank/loan statements as a pdf to confirm Xero reconciliation report balance against actual bank statement in the same screen.
Ideally the bank statements would automatically flow through as a supporting document in Xero workpapers.
Gabrielle Coriolan commented
I have been requested to provide a statement with the following:
2) Your IBAN / bank account number
3) The RIB / bank confirmation from your bank (if available)All other banks like: Barclays, HSBC, Lloyds, Starling provide statements with this information. I have found an example online, it contains this information on the top right hand side.
At Xero there seems to be no option to download or request a statement containing this information. I have been informed in order to request for this information it needs to be voted for approval, which surprises me.
I am raising this as it should be something already added with the account
Dianne Jones commented
To be able to attach to bank reconciliations at time of completing, would save time when accountant needs to check balances.