Project report - Include account name and account code
Please enable assigning manual journals to projects and for project reports to also include the account name / account code.
The benefits from using tracking categories far outweigh that of Xero project if features like manual journal and account transactions report is not able to reflect or is not consistent with the use of Xero projects.
Please also consider producing a warning if project name is being duplicated. Another thing that should be critically considered is to include projects under the Find & Recode feature.

Julie Blackwell commented
This is so critical.
To see a list of costs assigned to a Project, it seems like it would be so simple to include in the Account Transactions report an additional 'Column' for Projects. Then Projects could be filtered in order to see all costs and then could also be hyperlinked to the invoice/bank payment. -
Carolyn Beattie commented
As it stands, the project reports do not give nearly enough detail or information. The costs need to be broken down into different direct expense and overhead account codes to get a true financial report of the said project. Please look to implement this as soon as possible.
Lauren Kennedy commented
This is a fundamental for our business and it is disappointing to only learn, once fully up and running, that Xero Projects does not offer reporting on account code. Please introduce this asap.
craig smith commented
in a project be able to break the project down by the different accounts so we can see how the money was spent in a project and run it as a report.
Elaine Hardy commented
Being able to list the costs assigned to a project by expense category is a requirement by our client, and I'm disappointed to learn that this is not a feature.
Hoping that this can be brought in very soon. -
Linda Carrington commented
The lack of ability to analyse project data by account code is a significant oversight by Xero, and hugely limits our ability to recommend the product.
Graham Compton commented
I'm really surprised this isn't already implemented. I want to break down project expenses by type.
Alex Ramshaw commented
This is vital and I'm somewhat surprised it has not been included from the start, which I think is suboptimal. Or if not, allow reports to be customised to include this as a category.
Ahsan Ilyas commented
Since we are allocating project line by line, I don't understand why there is a report which can give us this information.
Bob Breese commented
This would be a great feature for me too! I have Projects, but without being able to breakdown by account, it is not particularly useful.
Joanne Rose commented
I would have thought this would have been a fundamental addition - to be able to report costs by cost code. I have even struggled to get supplier name added onto a report but have a workaround but it still isn't giving me the information i need without cost codes showing! Please help.
Lynsey Clarke commented
As a bookkeeper for a construction firm where some nominal codes are subject to CIS deductions and some aren't this is absolutely critical to the use of the projects reports.
Akram Raouf commented
Producing cost codes in the Project Reports would be so useful!
Jack Aude Pichette commented
Please add cash coding to the project reports, this is critical to be able to use project reports
Tania Kriticos commented
I would like Project Reports to be able to categorise transactions by the Chart of Accounts Code would be immensely useful. That way, for each project, you can track the main categories of expenditure - e.g., travel, wages, etc.. For projects where money is allocated by category (such as travel, salary, equipment), you can then see if you are over/under budget. At the moment, the only way of extracting this information is to use the tracking option, and to have tracking categories that match your Projects.
Belinda Edington commented
Please include this vital function. I allocate all items to a project with an accounting code. I really need to be able to run a project report with these codes. Please help!!!
Zoe Hellmuth commented
It would be useful to run a report on cost of sales codes and see which projects they have been allocated to. This will highlight where costs have not been allocated.
Genevieve Job commented
Details of the different cost types is vital to preparing cost reimbursable account presentations for our client.
Is this something that Xero will look at urgently to develop.
Thank you
XinXiang Zhang commented
For the project reporting, can add account codes to the report?
Chris Lang commented
Hi, I've raised this before but it seems like such an easy fix I wonder if there is any possibility of it being actioned.
The latest Project Financials report is great and I use it often but I constantly need to export the report and reorder the spend lines in order to give our departments the info they need.
Can the Project Financials report please be ordered by operating expense?
We categorise the transaction against an account when it comes in so it should surely be fairly easy for that report to include this info no?
Any help or advice you can offer on this would be hugely appreciated and would save me an enormous amount of time.
Chris Lang