Manual Journals - Import as tax inclusive
The template for importing journals is setup tax inclusive, but once imported, Xero defaults to tax exclusive and a journal including tax transactions therefore doesn't balance until you go into the draft journal itself and change back to tax inclusive!
Would be useful to be able to globally set whether imported journals are tax inclusive or exclusive. Presumably in the "Tax Defaults" section of Financial Settings.

Has the feature been added yet?
Keith Caldwell commented
Yes, this is an essential piece of functionality. It makes no sense to set up a balanced journal entry in excel (which by definition, has to be tax inclusive) and then unbalance it prior to import
Peter Solly commented
I import a lot of journals and it is a waste of time to open each journal and change the default from tax exclusive to tax inclusive.
Any news on a fix?
Phillip Gordon commented
I agree - but would add in the 'No Tax' option as well, not just inclusive and exclusive. It could just be another field on the journal import as obviously the 'Tax Defaults' don't seem to do anything at the moment for these imports
C. Basira Kroll commented
Please allow the manual journal entries to come in as tax inclusive, right now every single entry imported has to be changed to be tax inclusive.
Ian A Wilson commented
Yes - before allowing the import of my tax inclusive template data, Xero checks to ensure that the journals it contains are valid. When it is satisfied that they are, it changes them to tax exclusive, rendering them invalid, and proceeds with the import. How does that make any sense? Luke's suggestion above would work, or perhaps a tick box on the import screen allowing you to toggle between tax exclusive/inclusive.
Jo Sharples commented
This feature would be extremely useful.