Projects - Close or archive tasks
Ability to close or archive tasks in Projects.

Richard Case commented
I think Belinda's proposal makes sense. Operational / uninvoiced tasks and expenses have their own tab. Completed / invoiced tasks and expenses serve little purpose other than to reference standardised wording etc, which would not be lost if an archive tab is provided. Rosemarie's concerns about tasks being deleted has never been part of this proposal.
The amount of time added to invoicing is significant for complex long running projects with 15-20 site visits / tasks and associated reporting and expenses every month.
It is quite sad that community forums are the only place these matters seem to be discussed. It would be nice to hear some feedback from a Xero developer as to why something seemingly so simple cannot be implemented or even considered. Particularly in light of their wllingness to implement price increase whilst costing me productivity.
Rosemarie Dawson commented
We are changing the structure of our reporting and don't want to loose the data associated with (now) redundant tasks which we would if we deleted the tasks.
Rikka Power commented
I need to edit the hourly charge rate of some tasks but because they have time invoiced against them I can't make any changes. I could create a new task with a similar or same name but because I can't archive the old task this would get confusing.
Belinda Brown commented
Projects that have many tasks & expenses which are invoiced at different times of the project (Architect) It would be helpful if a task is done & invoiced/paid that it could be added to a different freeze heading (tab) such as completed. So that all listed under the heading Tasks & Expenses are still 'active'
Allan Jobling commented
The ability to archive individual tasks within a complex project is essential so should be looked at ASAP
Tammy Farrell commented
Agreed, CHEC Account. I use the Projects platform in Xero for more modest projects - tracking writing assignments and client meetings. If I had 100's of lines in one I'd surely want completed lines archived also. For more lengthy projects—like white papers—I break up them up into natural 'chunks' to avoid issues with many tasks, although I know it isn't always possible for others.
CHEC Accounts commented
whilst I like Tammy's idea - I still see lines ARCHIVED as Critical. Scrolling through completed lines by the 100s is completely idiotic for such a Worldwide platform !!
Tammy Farrell commented
Check boxes on each line would be helpful. When the task is checked as completed, the contents still display, but have a strikethrough over the text.
Lauren Shepherd commented
Agree, I have the same issue. I don't want to have to create a new project each time a price changes. It would also make the project screen less congested if completed tasks could be archived.
Dominique van Roosmalen commented
Ongoing projects/clients: Our hourly rate has changed after 3 years so the task needs to be changed, but can't change it or archive it.
CHEC Accounts commented
Or perhaps a quick change might be to Freeze pane the top section, timer/add/quote/invoice tabs - this will negate having to navigate to the top and bottom all the time - Surely this will be a simple fix? Really is a pain !!
Federico Schwemler commented
I would like to keep open tasks only for timesheeting in projects.
SIMON WADE commented
This would be ideal. As projects can be "closed" during the financial year, and then "archived" out
Emma Rosenblatt (Accounts) commented
This would be very helpful for situations where a large project is broken up into 'sections'. Once the first task is first it can be closed so no one can book anymore time to it but it remains viewable.
Also so important for long-running projects where prices change.
Bryony Richardson commented
It would be hugely helpful if it were possible to make certain estimated expenses / expenses visibile or invisible by way of archiving feature. I'm thinking about the fact that, as my projects becomes more involved and more expenses are put through the project module, I have go further and further down the list of expenses to find current items - which is cumbersome and can be confusing if there are multiple similar items. I'd like to be able to effectively 'close' or 'archive' expenses that have already been purchased and invoiced to the client, without loosing the financial info.
Veronica Rhodes commented
Our client, who runs several large and lengthy projects is seeking the ability to close Tasks/Phases that have been completed - without losing historical data and the overall financial picture of the project, whilst minimising time/costs going to completed Tasks. Any idea if this feature is going to be included in the current review of Xero Project functionality?
Mike Buss commented
To simplify reporting for clients who want costs broken out monthly, setting up each task into month units really helps, and it would save my team the risk of allocating time and expense against the wrong task if old tasks can be marked as closed and therefore no longer possible for normal users to change.
Jessica Jahn commented
This would be amazing - so important for long-running projects where prices change
Kali Boermans commented
I have just put my prices up but cant change the existing task and need to set up all new ones. Very annoying and too much room for error now that I cant archive the old ones.
Jenny Lewys commented
This would be very useful to be able to archive unused tasks - some of my projects are getting very messy with a list of tasks/expenses that are no longer used, but I don't want to close the project and start again and lose all the history and notes.