Sales Invoices - Bulk Delete
It is all too easy to accidentally upload a batch of sales invoices to Xero from the wrong period. It can then take absolutely hours to delete these as Xero does not have the functionality to remove these en masse.

Hi Sarah, when importing invoices to Xero, these should come in as drafts. You can Delete draft invoices in bulk from the Draft List view. 🙂
Would be good to better understand the way invoices are coming into your organisation if there's a step I'm missing here?
Jessica Colgate-Stone Read commented
Absolutely necessary, especially if a client changes their mind about tracking categories and the options are change 400+ invoices individually or reupload them with the correct tracking categories...
Maribi Nunez commented
Xero should have an option to delete invoices in a bulk like it does with the transactions. By mistake I uploaded and approved 289 invoices and cn, and now I have to delete one by one :(
Robyn Storey commented
This thread seems to date back quite a while and there is still no batch delete facility? We have been using SL in a different system and want to bring it in to Xero. In order to do this we need to clear out historical data that has only been used for VAT purposes and not credit control. We have a huge amount of invoices awaiting payment that are going to take an enormous amount of time to clear. Cannot believe its easy to get a batch of invoices into Xero but not to delete them.
Steve Ellis commented
It seems Xero don't give a **** about what the customers want, I too am in a very time consuming position, i find there support and customer service very poor.
Stephen Turner commented
I've just joined the list of people needed this...
Daniel D'Amico commented
This is an absolute must feature and a very obvious one to have.
Currently in the Awaiting Payment tab in invoices, you can select invoices and then it has the options at the top to either 'Print' 'Email' 'Deposit' 'Copy to' but not 'Void'
It should be easy enough for the developers to add Void as another option?
Chris Gascoyne commented
I’ve been asking for this for years. Not all integrations can add into draft, so this becomes a serious waste of time/money to delete problems individually, whether they are sales or purchase invoices. There’s no logical reason why this can’t be built in as there have been third party sequences that you could run in the past.(they don’t seem to exist any more for some reason). At the very least, offer this as an admin tool that can be switched on or off, such as the cash coding or find and recode facilitates.
This is an increasingly urgent problem Xero…
Kat Donatello commented
This is a relly important feature. With integrations comes the potential for errant transactions to come in en masse. For most people this is a hidden issue UNTIL it's not and you end with a pile of entries that just need to be deleted. It's simple but critical, and not having the ability to bulk delete invoices, bills, etc is a nightmare if you're unfortunate to have it happen to you.
Please can you estimate the time needed to solve this as it's just a case of hitting the check mark and pressing delete for any transactions that stand in isolation to others.
tim moxey commented
Giving this a rattle.
tim moxey commented
Is there an update on this? We're 18 months past the original request...?
Chad Eros commented
Appears XERO is not for customers using point of sale systems? When importing the POS activity it can go wrong. Not being able to mass void is a huge problem. If you can't mass void, why allow mass import? Forget about the Draft option. That doesn't help.
Belinda Beretta commented
My client has just classified a year of expenses as invoices instead of bills. We will need to manually void and reprocess each one.
Hannah Roome commented
I have a client with 20,000 sales invoices that need deleting. There is no way this can be done manually so I am left with no solution
Sara Wickert commented
I have an issue where a link with an external POS system transition has caused more than 6000 duplicate sales dating back several years to be imported into Xero - all approved and paid. I am very disappointed to learn the only way to fix this error is to remove all the payments manually and then click into each sale one by one and void it - HUGE waste of time and very frustrating. There should be a way to remove these duplicate sales in bulk.
AY Consulting Services commented
It should be allowed the role of advisor to delete the bulk approved sales invoices.
Emma Burmister commented
Client's often integrate software's without checking the ramifications first. As BAS Agents we should be able to bulk VOID rather than void individually, or clear through suspense accounts.
Brenda Frear commented
Really need this feature asap :)
Jules Jones commented
And me please!
Darryl T commented
Still need this feature here too!
Clare O'Neill commented
Adding my voice to the request to be able to bulk delete approved invoices. Again, integration with a separate platform means double work when each invoice is imported and approved automatically. I have several clients and have worked out a much simpler and more effective way of accounting for income so have 200+ old invoices to delete!