Project Invoice - List Time Entries in Chronological Order
Listing Time Entries in Chronological Order in Invoicing for Projects.
As raised in support case CX0012531595 - I use projects to create invoices for clients and show time entries for all tasks - the problem is that the draft invoice seems to put all the entries in random order rather than a date order - there is no way to sort by date so that it reads chronologically for the client. Interestingly you can run a report to list entries by date, so that functionality exists in the platform but it needs to be brought into invoicing. I have seen others raise this issue in the forums.

Graham Fennie commented
The ability to sort line items (expenses, time entries, etc) on an invoice that is generated in Projects should have been obvious "duh" functionality right from the beginning. Can't believe we have to ask for this... or that it's taken so long for Xero to get absolutely nowhere with it. I have probably re-ordered (manually) at least 10,000 line items and I'm REALLY sick and tired of it.
Vicki Carlisle commented
I agree - when there's many rows, having to drag and drop them into the right (ascending!) order is a nuisance. Why can't they just come out in ascending order?
Damien Sullivan commented
Thanks @Elise - much appreciated. The other workaround I have since been using is to Group by Date - that works pretty well. Still would be nice to see Xero sort this but the Group by Date is the next best.
Elise McMahon commented
@Damien, I've just worked around this issue, in case it helps. I just dragged and dropped the line items into chronological order from the draft invoice screen. It's a bother, but it works.
Elise McMahon commented
Yes! We're having this issue, too; our invoices created from projects show the time from newest to oldest. It doesn't work for our business
David Crowley commented
It would also be great if all of the data imported from Projects was available as a selectable option on the invoice. For example, The actual start finish time for tasks not just the total hours, and the option to order by chronological dates and times, not by task alphabetically. It makes sense for a project invoice based on times entered to be able to be ordered chronologically.
David Guy commented
Also, the time entries are listed in ascending time order within descending date order - not particularly helpful!
I would have assumed that most normal people would expect the default order to be ascending time within ascending date? -
Kay Stevens commented
A way to change the settings in projects so that time entries are populated to invoices in sequential date order (i.e. oldest to newest) rather than reverse date order (newest to oldest)
Kyleanne Hardwick commented
@david crowley, ohhhh I got you now, no worries. Hopefully it gets added in. :-)
David Crowley commented
Hi @kyleanne thanks for that, I'm aware of those options. Start/Finish Times are not shown like they are within the Projects, it only shows a time sub totals as an option.
I'm requesting the Start/Finish times as a viewable option, and the ability to "sort" Tasks and invoice lines by date. It's all Data and formatting that is within the project that doesn't get translated into the invoice -
Kyleanne Hardwick commented
David Crowley - you can actually show this data on invoices. When you click on 'Invoice' within a Project, and select 'Tasks & Expenses', you have two choices, to display the hourly rate time as 'Tasks' or 'Time Entries'. If you select 'Time Entries', you can select your line item details to show 'Project, Task, Date, Staff Member, Description'. You can tick or untick any of these line items to show, but you can certainly capture all of that detail on an invoice. I think that might be what you are looking for? Hope that helps.
David Crowley commented
I spend a LOT of time entering and tracking my hours within the Projects App, which is a great way to manage my time spent on tasks. It's a real pain that this data is not a veiwable option in the INVOICES. This would make a big difference for my clients to be able to see this data on the invoices. And to have the option to List all these entries in order of Date and time.
Thanks! -
Katherine Morrow commented
I want the timesheets to appear in the sale invoice in date order, so I don't have to manually drag and drop them into date order each month for invoicing.
Currently they appear in the order that the task appears in the project (the order they were added to the project in - which you can't edit).