Sales overview - View payment method in invoice list
Add payment method to the main screen
If a Payment Method was on the main Invoice Awaiting Payment screen, maybe next the sent icon this would make things so much easier, you can also see clearly who is on Direct Debit.

Karen Felton Wallis commented
I agree, it takes too long to get at. It is imperative that this issue is addressed quickly. For anyone with high column invoicing changing the payment method in invoices is just too manual and entirely invisible. I need to select a whole customer group and change all payment method on all invoices with one sweep.
Jason Trafford commented
I have also raised this with Xero. I think not just DD, but also when you have Stripe set-up for auto pay or another provider, so you can see which automatic means of payment they are set-up by or whether it be manual.
Melanie Moon commented
This would be a brilliant feature to have. We have a mixture of clients that pay by BACS and DD so easily distinguishing each would save so much time.
It would greatly help with credit control.
This feature would be beneficial for Bills to pay too. Eliminates the possibility of paying twice. -
Robert White commented
This would be a HUGE benefit.
Knowing which customer are DD and those which pay via BACS would also make Credit Control a lot more clear.
It would also help tie in to Bills to Pay (and knowing which suppliers collect via DD and when to pay via BACS).
Lesley Greenwood commented
Would save having to keep a manual record, which I currently do.
Pauline Murray commented
I support this... Just indicate what clients have signed up to a DD, this could be a flag or something simple that can be seen from the invoicing/overdue screens.
Glenn Trotman commented
Segregating manual payments from DD's is critical to ensure payments aren't paid twice!
Jessica Black commented
I also believe this will be beneficial to avoid paying a supplier that we have a direct debit arrangement set up with. It's easy to accidently select a direct debit supplier in batch payments and could be avoided if there was an option to mark "direct debit" next to the due date or something similar.
Fay Adamson commented
I have also raised this and am surprised Xero had not already considered doing this.
Catherine Vaughan commented
I submitted this idea too a few weeks ago, I hope it gets added as an update soon!
Michael Leefe commented
This may be the same as what was in the Xero Support Forum so apologies if this is a double-up.
I am wanting to have the ability to mark Suppliers as "Paid by Direct Debit" or something similar in the Contact record so that when looking at the "Bills Awaiting Payment" Screen in Xero it shows what bills need to be manually paid via Direct Credit/Batch Payment etc and which Suppliers will automatically Direct Debit my Business account on the due date. Even just a little DD icon or something beside the supplier name would be fantastic to indicate this. This would save the risk of double paying an invoice and give more clarity on which suppliers are on Direct Debit vs Direct Credit or another payment method.