Account Transactions report - Ability to change default columns when drilling into report
Although you can save a custom Account Transactions report as the new default report, Xero still displays the original default Account Transactions columns if you drill down to account activity from Balance Sheet or Income Statement.
This currently requires re-adjusting the column settings every time.

Appreciate the detail, and thanks for raising this here in the forums.
While this isn't something we have direct plans for atm, we're keeping an active eye on the idea here and will share if there's any change.
Jake Matanic commented
This is my biggest gripe with Xero
Michael Welbourne commented
I would also love this to be changed. I mainly work from the Trial Balance report, and every time I click on a balance I'm presented with the Xero default report. Every time I have to get rid of the VAT and Gross columns (who on Earth ever wants to see that when checking what's in a code) - even in accounts that are not VAT registered. And even worse is when currencies are involved and there are all the source debit and credit columns.
Please can clicking on a balance in the TB (or bal sheet/p&l) open up the custom account transactions report that I have set up and saved as the default, rather then what someone at Xero thinks is the most useful.
Helen Williams commented
Please make this happen! It seems like an easy fix to save everyone so many clicks!
Kosta Court commented
Hurry up and make this happen!
Gillian Hawes commented
It is so time consuming amending the account transactions report every time I drill down. This is something that should be customisable, and I am saddened to find it isn't available!
Jackie Townsend commented
Just like everyone else in this group says, we should be able to remove the columns we don't want ONCE and then be able to run the Transaction Report that way from now on. This absolutely does create a LOT of extra work for us to click on the edit section to remove columns every time we need a Transaction Report - or we have to download to Excel and fix it there.
Adrian Greenway commented
So it is now 2024, 2 years after this was first raised as an idea.
This seems like a simple project that could be dealt with fairly quickly so Xero why not.
There must be a routine that every report goes to for a drill down request to show account transactions.
Surely all you need to do is add an option in settings to allow this to be changed by the user to any custom report that is based on the accounts transaction report?
Let me know if you want to run through how I think this could work.
Thanks, Adrian
Mariya Yushkova commented
This is especially frustrating with the foreign currency subscription where it doesn't include the GST column by default! GST is one of the main things I look for when doing accounts with overseas currencies to ensure that NZ and overseas income is recorded correctly. So I have to select it everytime I go into different accounts
Katrina _ commented
This adds literally hours of extra time - every week ! - to working on the reports.
and especially when we need to send info to clients. all those extra columns need to be taken away so that our questions can be presented clearly. of course we get used to changes over time, but this one is still painful so many months on. Help !!! -
Gerard Crow commented
I agree. I do not understand this change. It was better the old way.
Edwin Lu commented
I agree with all the comments that this feature should be implemented without delay. This is a step backwards and should be corrected urgently. It is absolutely annoying having to customise the transactions report each time.
Lynda Benn commented
Really crazy that this is not available - should be able to save your column settings for drill down reports and/or be able to update a custom report to have a specific report for drill down.
Sonia Turner commented
I'm still struggling with the fact that I have to customise the Transactions Report everytime I want to drill into an account from the P&L. Takes soooooo long to go through every P&L account - which I'm required to do!
Surprised this has to be a vote. Ho hum! -
Jacob Nayda commented
Super important - especially when clients accidentally turn on multi-currency reporting which then changes what the default is and this currently has no way to reset.
Chris Reaney commented
It takes alot of time to reset if to the required columns when drilling through from every profit and loss figure, this would be a big time saver if you could set your own default format when drilling through from the profit and loss
Maica Nato commented
Please have this feature of setting default columns. This will definitely save us a lot of time.
Elizabeth Kjellberg commented
Agree with all these comments - PLEASE and THANKYOU.
Matthew Gambold commented
A really crucial feature in my opinion. PLEASE can you get this sorted Xero. We (and I imagine many other accountants) drill down in to line items on a very regular basis (particularly for analysis of year end accounts) and so not having the ability to adapt what's seen adds a huge amount of work as we have to manually change the resulting report in Excel to suit our needs every time.
Steve Kinderman commented
such an important feature. You end up with useless info in the columns instead of important info like GST etc
Eleni Shamarkou commented
It is super frustrating to have to edit this report every single time - I access this via the P&L categories and each time I have to remove source and account and add in VAT rate name and some times Contact. this is unnecessarily time consuming and pointless when it should be fairly straightforward to direct this this to a custom layout.
Please give this feature some more consideration - it is clearly desired by many users and probably hundreds more that have not accidently found their way to this page, like I did. Thank you.