Profit & Loss - Show breakdown of expenses & income by tracking category as rows
It would be extremely helpful to allow the user to show additional rows for certain expenditure and/or income items, broken down by tracking category. In our small business, we run 3 or 4 events per year, and we like to track box office and performer payments via tracking categories. We would then like to show these as rows rather than columns on our P&L reports.

Katie Oliver commented
Basic example of summary required is in the picture below. This layout basically contains the details of the Profit and Loss by Tracking Categories report but as a summary and without General Ledger Accounts. The current profit and loss only allows the tracking categories to be across the top as columns but sometimes you just want a summary of the Categories themselves and if you have lots of categories it is easier to read having them down the page as rows instead.
The Tracking Category summary report shows them as rows but only allows you to show one section of general ledger accounts at a time.
The Account Transaction report filtered by category only shows a detailed view, not a summary and doesn’t show the net profit at the bottom.
I use tracking categories for fundraising events and activities of our non profit. It would be great for our committee volunteers could view this information quickly without having to add things up themselves or change in excel.
I’m sure a drill down function would be great for this too, but this format would be a great start.
An option to hide category options with 0 in both income and expense would be required, as would a filter to choose which tracking category header you are doing the report for and dates.
I imagine this would also work well for funded projects.
Hazel Sheward commented
Is there any update on this. I cannot be the only person who struggles to get a SOFA format for our charity. This would make my life so much easier!
Hazel Sheward commented
This would be a really useful report for our charity. We need to see income and expenditure for each tracking category against budget. I cannot seem to find another way of doing this, except for exporting to excel which is incredibly time consuming.
It would only involve doing a budget variance report with the option to put the tracking categories on separate rows. -
Suzette Carlean commented
We are really needing to see our Income by tracking categories on a month by month basis. The current reporting ability is really cumbersome and works if you want to see just the month, but not if you want to see it on a Month on Month basis. Really hope something will be developed on this please. thanks Suzette
Justine Kennard commented
The advantage of this is that when it comes to preparing annual financial statements, you could report by division at a summary level, as opposed to line by line (which is what IR wants). This style of reporting is what is often required for not for profits or large sporting organisations such as Rugby and Cricket.
- income category 1
- income category 2
- income category 3
Total IncomeLess Expenses
- expenses category 1
- expenses category 2
- expenses category 3
Total ExpensesNet Surplus/(Deficit)
Jennifer Yeats commented
I need to be able to break down wages costs into the various types of wages. I can see that it can be done manually via excel but it would be great if it could be done automatically via tracking categories using rows instead of columns
Daisy Lester commented
We would find this very useful. Please see attached for example of what would be ideal for us. Currently we are doing this manually in excel, which is very time consuming.
Christie van der Beeke commented
We need to be able to breakdown all income and expenditure associated with a tracking category, which is how we manage individual projects - a combined Profit and Loss, with an Account Transactions Report. This seems to be a common request, that doesn't seem overly onerous from a Xero perspective, that is very time consuming for an end user
khaled menaisy commented
It is a critical need to be able to report General and admin expenses separately from operating expenses in income statement report without the need to duplicate accounts in COA.
For example, same account such as salaries is used to record all operating and admin staff salaries. This account is reported twice under both operating and admin expenses.
Lack of tracking over rows in XERO is resulting in performing manual processing of reports in excel sheets. Thus increasing time and human factor error. -
Viet Nguyen commented
Hi, you could try Google Sheets Add-on. It allows to download many reports into Google Sheets including P&L with tracking categories. Here is a demo link:
Taher Khokhar commented
We use Tracking Categories for our projects and need to know the P&L for each project as they are being executed. This is a vital report feature for us.
Kira Lindsey commented
This is vital for me working in an event company where we run 6 events per year. Also for a sports club that I manage the accounts for, they need to split per sport section. Currently the reports are being done manually in excel which is very time consuming.
Sarah Jacobs commented
I'd also like to be able to see a summary P&L by tracking category 1 or 2 showing tracking category in rows and being able to choose account code, account group or account type in the columns
Paula Woods commented
It is very annoying not been able to summarise trading accounts that are created by tracking in the P & L through individual rows. It makes it very confusing for the client when they can't see clearly how the totals are made up.
Vanessa John commented
Hello, I would like to be able to pull a report for material expenses which shows which customers I assigned the expense to as a billable expense. This would be extremely useful for my clients at the year end looking at accruals and prepayments and assigning material expenses. Thanks!