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70 results found
10 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Sarah Jacobs supported this idea · -
167 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Sarah Jacobs commentedAgreed. Plus the import and export format for the account names & codes column should match the other reports' naming convention so that if we are using other reports, then we don't have to reformat this column before we import!
Budget manager naming convention = account name (account code)
Profit and loss naming convention = account code - account name.
Why are these different? Xero should have a standard naming convention across it's whole functionality.
This causes unnecessary work and is inefficient.Sarah Jacobs supported this idea · -
390 votes
Thanks to everyone that participated in and shared back on the team’s research in the new invoicing layout. Taking your feedback on board our teams have made some improvements to the layout of new invoicing, including changes to the layout of fields and buttons.
By rearranging and condensing space between fields, you’ll find there is less white space than previously shown, making it easier to navigate and tab through fields when entering your invoices.We’re actively looking into changes within the invoicing grid that’ll go further to condensing information on the screen and reducing actions when entering your invoices. We’ll update as there is more information to share on this.
An error occurred while saving the comment Sarah Jacobs commentedOn new invoicing:
We can see the 'to' column contains customer name and address, so if both are populated then there is always going to be wasted real estate under issue date etc. a good way to use this would be to allow the reference, branding them and currency fields to text wrap.
Also why is 'online payments' column so wide when the only possible responses are 'None' and 'Yes' (I'm guessing as I don't use online payments).
Also, why does the 'repeating' information take up a whole row? surely that could be condensed and moved into the row above it.
There's still a lot of different font sizes on this screen which makes it a) jarring to read & b) difficult to zoom lower than 90% as some fonts are large and some are tinyAn error occurred while saving the comment Sarah Jacobs commentedMore new invoicing wasted space feedback:
1. the sent box takes up a whole row, but could be moved up next to the 'paid' box.
2. why is the 'paid' font tiny, but the 'sent' font huge? they should be the same size.
3. when viewing a currency invoice on a narrower screen, the currency gets wrapped to under the customer address, when it should get wrapped to under the issue date.
4. Listing the currency code and name takes up a lot of real estate. Why isn't this field wrapped, as there's so much empty space below it.
5. Why does the 'amounts do not include tax' note take up a whole row? We know this already if we show the tax rate in the line columns. If we have to show this at all, why isn't it included either a ) next to the currency field, or b) at the bottom under the total
6. on currency invoices, after an invoice is paid, why does the currency loss/gain take up a whole row, just move it up next to the exchange rate
7. why are the font sizes for exchange rate so tiny? This means that I can't zoom this screen to fit it on one pageAn error occurred while saving the comment Sarah Jacobs commentedHi Xero, there's still a lot of unused real estate on the new invoicing which needs to be condensed so that a user can see more line items on one screen without having to scroll ... see attachment.
Please note that the screenshot shows the screen already zoomed to 90%; the scrolling issue would be even worse at 100%An error occurred while saving the comment Sarah Jacobs commentedWhy are there only 2 options for issue date in new invoicing, but 6 options for due date? I would like issue date to have the last day of the previous month and the first date of the next month as options
An error occurred while saving the comment Sarah Jacobs commentedEither Xero needs to fix the column widths or allow the user to determine the column widths. The price and amount fields are sooooo wide they can fit this number of characters 2222222222222.00 , yet the account and tracking code fields are so narrow you can only see 17 characters. This is not user friendly. At the moment the account field and tracking fields are text wrapped, but in the new invoicing they aren't, so the user can't see the whole field - why is this?
An error occurred while saving the comment Sarah Jacobs commentedAnd why when editing an invoice in new invoicing are the line item fonts SO LARGE - they are larger than the header fonts (ie to, due date,invoice number etc) - why can't the line item fonts be the same size as the header fonts?
An error occurred while saving the comment Sarah Jacobs commentedI have a tab especially for the new invoicing screen opened in Chrome so I can zoom to 80% (but then have to squint to see the tracking info), whilst using the rest of Xero in Edge so I 'only' have to zoom to 90% in order to fit as much data on the screen as possible - this solution is so un-user-friendly
An error occurred while saving the comment Sarah Jacobs commentedYou need to do something about the white space or the font size, because if I zoom to 80% to reduce the scrolling, then I can't read the
'Account: x Tax rate: x and tracking codes as you have tagged these on to the line as an after-thought in a TINY FONT. Also, I thought you were going to revert back to a tabular format where all the information for one row was on the SAME row! IT's so much harder to read a sent invoice without clicking twice to edit it and no one wants to go to edit a sent invoice just to view it.An error occurred while saving the comment Sarah Jacobs commentedAgreed - Like everyone else, I am having issues with the new invoice format. I use both a laptop for work and a 27 inch monitor and the new version of invoices does not fit on either screens. It means that I have to scroll down loads more than with classic invoicing. Please make new invoicing more efficient by reducing the white space.
Sarah Jacobs supported this idea · -
47 votesSarah Jacobs supported this idea ·
20 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Sarah Jacobs commentedWe all use Xero for our jobs and it's time consuming to keep having to vote and comment on product ideas and raise cases for basic functionality like this. Xero needs to really think about these small tweaks that will make using Xero as efficient as possible.
7 votes
Hi Karen, appreciate you shared this feedback sometime ago. Looping back to better understand your idea here - Is there a specific part of Xero you find shows too much white space?
This will help when sharing your feedback with our product teams internally.
An error occurred while saving the comment Sarah Jacobs commentedThe raise support screen has heaps of white space between sections, but the 'tell us what happened' box is TINY only allowing 2 rows to be shown at once, and makes it difficult to copy and paste text into, or edit once text is already entered. Also, I have to zoom to 67% to see the whole support case, which is unreadable. I already use a 27" screen and wear reading glasses, so need better accessability in this screen.
An error occurred while saving the comment Sarah Jacobs commentedWhen adding or editing a new item in product and services, if a purchase account or sales account is text wrapped (which is likely as this field is wrapped after 18 characters), then you have to scroll to save which is inefficient. Again I have this screen zoomed to 90%, wear glasses and use a 27" screen so can't zoom to 80%. There is such a lot of wasted space on this screen with huge gaps beneath fields. Plus the cost price and sell price field is an excessive amount of characters wide. These could be made narrower so that the purchase and sales account fields could be made wider.
An error occurred while saving the comment Sarah Jacobs commentedIn the bank reconciliation when matching a bank transaction there is a lot of wasted space at the top of the screen which means that, even if I've zoomed to 90% , I have to scroll to the bottom to see 2. View your selected transactions & 3. The sum of your selected transactions and select the 'reconcile' button. If I zoom to 80% then some of the font sizes on the screen are too tiny to read (ie spent, received, options, match, split etc) This screen is inefficient. Users should be able to match one transaction without scrolling to the bottom of the screen. Some users reconcile 100's of transactions and need to be able to use this screen more efficiently.
I suggest moving some of the items that take up a lot of real estate on the page such as the 'whats's this prompts
An error occurred while saving the comment Sarah Jacobs commentedThe EOFY STP finalisation page doesn't fit on one page. and causes inefficiencies by unnecessary scrolling. I have already set my zoom to 90% and can't set it any smaller otherwise I can't read anything. I use a 27" screen and already have reading glasses, so can't adjust any further. I can't zoom to less than 90% otherwise I won't be able to read other fonts on other pages in Xero. I am using Chrome.
An error occurred while saving the comment Sarah Jacobs commentedThe STP filing page for payroll doesn't fit on one page and causes inefficiencies by unnecessary scrolling. I have already set my zoom to 90% and can't set it any smaller otherwise I can't read anything. I use a 27" screen and already have reading glasses, so can't adjust any further. I can't zoom to less than 90% otherwise I won't be able to read other fonts on other pages in Xero. I am using Chrome.
There is no reason why the paragraphs in the 'authorisation to file' section have such narrow margins, especially as the 'new information' section has wide margins. Please standardise the sections so they are easier to read.
Please make the 'authorisation to file' section have wider margins so the text can fit over fewer rows. Come on Xero, you need to do some proper user testing to ensure that simple issues like this are resolved before being released.
I've reported this in Xero Central and they said to add it as a product idea.Sarah Jacobs supported this idea · -
3 votesSarah Jacobs shared this idea ·
3 votesSarah Jacobs supported this idea ·
10 votesSarah Jacobs supported this idea ·
22 votesSarah Jacobs supported this idea ·
96 votes
Hi everyone, we value your input on the new invoicing experience and hearing the specific features that are of importance to you.
We have some updates planned for the contact card where you can enter details of your contact within new invoicing, and as part of this we'll be providing the ability to edit the Attention to field.
We'll keep you up to date with progress of this through the idea here.
An error occurred while saving the comment Sarah Jacobs commentedAs comments are closed on the 'New Invoicing - Hide detailed summary on email' product idea, I will comment here instead.
I have unticked as per instructions, but now get a warning 'send without warning link?'
Please turn this off. If I am sending a pdf of the invoice, then I don't want to send a link.
1. Having to click 'send anyway' is an extra click that I don't want or need
2. Making users who receive invoices click on an invoice link and download a pdf is really annoying and, again, causes unnecessary clicks.An error occurred while saving the comment Sarah Jacobs commentedGreat, thanks for listening :)
Sarah Jacobs supported this idea · -
50 votes
Thanks for letting us know how useful this feature is to you when creating invoices for your customers in Xero. We have some improvements the team are focusing on within the contact card to provide our customers more efficiency, which includes the ability to search to add an address for a Contact.
For the time being we'll change this to working on it, and I'll keep you up to date with any progress for this, here.
An error occurred while saving the comment Sarah Jacobs commentedGreat!
Sarah Jacobs supported this idea ·An error occurred while saving the comment Sarah Jacobs commentedThis is needed in the new invoicing. The old invoicing has the Find Address feature without going into the contact. The new invoicing needs to also offer this option. Users shouldn't have to ask for current functionality to be carried across to new invoicing.
290 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Sarah Jacobs commentedAgreed
Sarah Jacobs supported this idea · -
204 votes
Hi team, while we don't have immediate plans to change the placement of buttons on new invoicing we're interested in staying close to this feedback and I'll move the idea to Under review for the time being. We'll return to confirm any outcomes.
An error occurred while saving the comment Sarah Jacobs commentedI can't find the save button either
An error occurred while saving the comment Sarah Jacobs commentedProduct development needs to focus on how efficient they have made the new screens. Unnecessary scrolling is inefficient. Please try to think of the user when developing positioning for placement of buttons.
Sarah Jacobs supported this idea · -
365 votes
Hi community, we’ve just released some new keyboard shortcuts to new invoicing, that cut down the number of mouse clicks and help you perform actions on your invoice with some simple keyboard entry options.
There’s a range of different shortcuts that you can explore, and in particular a few that I wanted to call out for ‘Approve’ options that I know will be of most interest to you, here;
- Approve (Ctrl-Alt-A OR Cmd-Opt-A on a Mac)
- Approve & add another (Ctrl-Alt-O OR Cmd-Opt-O on a Mac)
- Approve & print PDF (Ctrl-Alt-R OR Cmd-Opt-R on a Mac)
- Approve & email / send eInvoice (Ctrl-Alt-E OR Cmd-Opt-E on a Mac)
While you get used to the combinations of shortcuts our product team have added small prompts to highlight these in the product, and if you’d like to view the full list of options you can see them all on Xero Central.
An error occurred while saving the comment Sarah Jacobs commentedPlease make the default APPROVE
An error occurred while saving the comment Sarah Jacobs commentedNeed Approve to the be the default. We always approve first, then send later.
Sarah Jacobs supported this idea · -
773 votes
Hi team, now in 2025 and many here will have received our recent communication leading up to the retirement of classic invoicing on 27 Feb this year.
We’re continuing to work hard on delivering more features within new invoicing that’ll help most in your workflow.
Thanks for staying engaged with us on changes that’ll help you through the idea here.
To give an update on recent deliveries that positively impact some of you that have shared on the idea here. Late last year we released improvements to the issue and due date fields so you can now use all the date entry shortcuts that were available in classic, and we made it simpler to access the date picker. We also updated the Files attachment modal so you can now drag & drop files anywhere on the page, and when you use tracked inventory you can see the number of items…
An error occurred while saving the comment Sarah Jacobs commentedIt's crazy that users should have to ask for this - product development should be made aware of the amount of processing users do and as such need to use Xero as efficiently as possible.
Sarah Jacobs supported this idea · -
197 votes
Hi all, we thank you for all sharing detail on your experience when using new invoicing in Xero. Taking this on board our team have been reviewing the line item grid where you enter details in new invoicing. We have work underway to improve and address points raised such as providing a more compact layout so you can see more at once, showing full account and tracking names, and more direct options to reduce clicks and steps in common actions.
For the time being, small adjustments can be made to your computer scale or browser zooming to see more detail at once, although we understand this is not the ideal solution.
I'll return to let you know when we're closer to release and can share more of the changes.
An error occurred while saving the comment Sarah Jacobs commentedThe way Account, Tax rate and Tracking codes are shown under the main line of the invoice needs to be fixed too. Ideally all the information for one line of invoicing shown be shown on the SAME ROW in tabular format.
Not underneath and in a smaller font like the info is less important. It is important. Just because this information doesn't appear on the pdf version of the invoice that is sent to the customer, doesn't mean it's not as important.
The way this information is shown seems to be an afterthought/quick fix which makes a mockery of accessible fonts, but also makes the invoice really hard to check for accuracy.
An error occurred while saving the comment Sarah Jacobs commentedWould like to be able to have option to adjust column width (Or decrease font size as also suggested below).
An error occurred while saving the comment Sarah Jacobs commentedAgreed. And bring back the grid lines too when you click on an invoice. It's very difficult to check rows without it. I know the grid lines appear when you edit an invoice, but sometimes you just want to view an invoice without editing it.
Sarah Jacobs supported this idea · -
96 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Sarah Jacobs commentedYes, date column is needed. Also, having the employee name in the row is also very important
Sarah Jacobs supported this idea · -
19 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Sarah Jacobs commentedwhen I search for 'Telstra', transactions dating back to 2013 are deemed more relevant than transactions in 2024 because the contact name and the reference were both entered as 'Telstra'. This needs to be addressed please. Records from 2013 with 'Telstra' in both the contact name and the reference field are not more relevant than records with Telstra in only one field but from 2024.
An error occurred while saving the comment Sarah Jacobs commentedWhen I use the Xero search function magnifying glass, it is not returning the most relevant records. For example, when I type 'water', the search function only returns bills from Sydney Water, but
1. fails to return any contacts with 'water' in their name,
2. doesn't sort the bills from Sydney water in any logical order, where it should be returning the results in descending date order.See screenshots showing Sydney water bills in an illogical order and showing a contact name which begins with 'Water'
An error occurred while saving the comment Sarah Jacobs commentedI've been told by Xero support that the global search function errors are in fact product ideas and I should put my results here.
'Hi Sarah
Thanks for sending over your examples, we've noted this as well.
We’re currently unable to provide a timeframe as to when any changes may be made, however it will be taken into consideration for future developments.
We would also recommend adding your thoughts to the Product Ideas link below, as this is another way to get requests in front of our product team.
Xero Product Ideas: Global Search - Sort results by Date, Total, or Status
Kind regards
Sarah Jacobs supported this idea · -
10 votesSarah Jacobs supported this idea ·
The documents no longer display the date they were added like they did in classic invoicing. The date also doesn't show in the history section so there's no way of knowing when documents were added.
When you have multiple people working on the same organisation you need to be able to clearly see things like this.