New invoicing: Remove / turn off online payments option
I would like the option to remove the 'set up online payments' box whenever I create a new invoice. For companies like ours who are never going to use this function, it's irrelevant and takes up unnecessary space (we use invoice finance and our clients don't pay us directly). Could there be a toggle button in the settings to be able to switch this off?

Thomsons Accounts commented
Agreed. It’s clutter I don’t need. Basically just intrusive advertising from Xero! Put it somewhere else.
Fiona Davidson commented
HATE the constant prompts to set up payment services!
Payment Services now an in software Marketing Scam from Xero?!
These have become the equivalent of a Marketing Scam so Xero makes more money from kickbacks.
We DO NOT pay for you program to be bombarded with promotions for things that make YOU more money.
Seriously it used to be a lovely little discreet option, not its on everything and is not appropriate for all staff to see, or my clients who do not know how to map accounts for that matter.
I know Xero will not do what I am asking, they cant even get core functions of new invoicing to work why would they let us turn off something that makes them more money?!
I'm so angry and over their newspeak.
Agrred! - there is too much uneccary junk taking up valuable visibale screen space - an dthe functio really needed are hidden under frop down menus - when you find them that is! - This isn't making Xero better - it's making it cumbersome
Sue Manning commented
Echo this, never going to use it and it's adding to a 'busy' screen. Just need to be able to permanently remove for a business that won't be using it.
NDEL Office commented
I agree. The online payment option should be a feature of the customer profile – you are only going to do it once – so it should never be an option in routine customer actions. This is just clutter. How about instead moving the email, download and print functions out of where they are hidden in the menus and have these up front where we can see them all the time