Sales Invoice - Include files attached to an invoice when sending
Ability or setting to default include files attached to an invoice when sending from Xero
Purpose | Steps are currently involved to include files that are on an invoice when sending the invoice to a customer, an option like this would ease the process of including files that a customer needs to have access to and see when they received their invoice

Tamara Norman commented
Ability to automatically tick the 'include with online invoice' option when attaching files to an invoice.
When attaching multiple files to an invoice, I find it tends to only tick that option for the newest file (which I can understand). However, it would be great to choose in the invoice settings or something the ability to 'automatically include all attached files when emailing invoices' -
Sally Janes commented
This is essential for how our business works, as the attached files are always the signed orders and authorisations that have to go out with the invoice. It is fiddly to set each individual file to attach to an invoice, as there can be 20-30 attached signed slips.
Christina McClean commented
Having to select attach a file on the invoice page and then tick another box on the email page to include the file is not necessary. If it is ticked on the invoice page, can it not automatically be ticked on the next page to be sent with the invoice?
Ruth Accounts commented
When following a file through from uploads to sale invoice, and you click on the arrow to 'include upload on invoice' be able to either one click include all uploads, or just make in default. Why would you be uploaded a document if you didn't want to attach it?
Such a faff. -
Kahn Mionnet-Masutti commented
Why cant we have our terms and conditions upload automatically with all quotes and invoices
So many boxes and stuff to click when your in a rush for a simple task
THEY HAVE TO BE THERE FOR ALL CONTACT WITH CLIENTSAnd why dose the discripton box fully light up when you click into the box
When writing up a full quote you can easily delete it without knowing
Drives me mad. Again in a hurry...........
The price box dosnt do it?And I dont feel spell check would go astray
Especially in the email zone
Steve Hindmarsh commented
This has caused considerable inefficiency and confusion for both our clients and ourselves. Leading to a duplication of work and it has introduced an element of doubt into our interactions with a range of finance departments. This erodes trust and looks bad for our company name as well as for Xero as an effective finance system. I struggle to understand why I would want to attach something and not have it sent? I appreciate there may be some function or need where people may want to attach something and not send, but this doesn't fit our needs. I would be grateful if attach with invoice could be set to default. And the option to not attach to be selected. I appreciate you may get a similar level of dissatisfaction from a as yet unheard audience who wish to attach things and not send. Please let us know if you make changes as we have had to redo a whole invoice run. Poor comms on the part of Xero.
In addition to the other Vote around this area, we do not want Send Copy invoice automatically selected as a default.
Kaye Doolan commented
If I am attaching a pdf to an invoice I am sending out - why do i have to Tick attach to online and then again click attach pdf as an attachment - can this be defaulted to always attach and if people attach something and don't want to send it - they untick it!! surely these extra ticks are frustrating others - why else do you add an attachment if you don't want to send it?
Aidan Macklin commented
This is critical for our clients
Mark Stevens commented
Another blindingly obvious omission ! - needs to be fixed !
Jane Slater commented
We want to attach a PDF timesheet to every invoice emailed. Such a pain to have to remember to toggle the box to make sure it gets sent with the invoice every time.
Sarah Jacobs commented
And do we need to use up a whole row to for the 'sent' box to be shown - what a waste of space causing more scrolling. Surely it can be put at the top next to the status 'awaiting payment'
Sarah Jacobs commented
Agreed - being forced to click any more than the current method is an inefficiency that needs to be removed.
There now seems to be 2 sections in new invoicing where you have to action in order to attach a document when emailing invoices:
1. Attach files - in the invoice edit screen, rather than just drag and drop attachments onto the invoice, you now have to open the 'attach files section' and click on 'send with invoice'
2. Email - you are forced to click 'attach files to email' again, even though I've already clicked 'send with invoice'
Also this section is unclear - if there's more than one attachment, does it send all attachments?2.
Tim Sneller commented
Add your T's & C's to the bottom of the invoice template(s). Then they will print with the invoice.
Aubyn Fauteux commented
Yes, this is a real pain to attach our terms and conditions each time!
Stephanie Leito commented
I have been using Xero for 3 years now and they have only been removing good features and then adding them back when the ACTUAL users complain in the forum and when they add them back they act as if its a brand new thing they did.
Every change has been for the worse!
The only good thing they ever did was add hyperlinks in the statement so the customer can see their invoices when they click on it.I wonder about the future of Xero and how safe my data is, as its choices are not customer-friendly. It shows it doesn't want to keep its customers at all.
Toni Bowater commented
More and more of our customers are requesting that we attached their purchase orders to the back of our invoices in order to be processed at their end. You can attach/upload files in 'new' invoicing but it would be useful to be able to send the attached files with the invoice at the 'approve and email' stage....
James Lippmann commented
I don't understand why Xero decided to create this "new look" invoicing system... what a way to really p**s on your customers... years of writing invoices and developing muscle memory for where everthing was and it worked perfectly.... Yes!, all the features the previous invoicing system had should be by default included in the new one.
Tim Sneller commented
It depends on how long your T's&C's are.
We print our basic T's&C's at the bottom of the invoice. Just edit the invoice template.
If yours were too long to fit at the bottom of the page, Xero will just use an extra sheet, or the reverse of the page if using double side printing.
You can test it by changing the invoice template, and just re-printing an existing invoice.
Jill Griffiths commented
Yes, this is very important as attaching terms & conditions. Currently we have to add this to each individual invoice and can get forgotten. Before using Xero we had the terms and conditions printed on the reverse of the invoice which worked well.
Gordon Lyon commented
Yes, please! This can be useful for payment instructions, terms & conditions, etc. An option to append attachments to the invoice PDF itself would be nice too. Some of my customers want everything to be on the invoice itself and can't handle multiple PDFs.