Xero - Reduce white space
There seems to be a lot of white space on each page. An accounting system really needs to show concise, compact, neat lines so it is easy to compare figures without having to scroll up and down all the time. I feel that Xero is more interested in the look of the screen, when really the information is the most important part of an accounting system.
The important information seems to start half way down the screen!

Hi Karen, appreciate you shared this feedback sometime ago. Looping back to better understand your idea here - Is there a specific part of Xero you find shows too much white space?
This will help when sharing your feedback with our product teams internally.
Jenny Draper commented
Despite our continuous comments, complains and sheer despair over the amount of added white space in the screens, and the HUGE, USELSS WHITE SPACE in the screens new "Features" seem t be getting worse and having more big fat stupif white space everywhere.I AM GOING INSNAER., JUST TO ADD A NEW CODE WE NOW NEE DTO MOVE AND SCROLL THE CREEN.
SERIOUSLY??????????????????????????? STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jenny Draper commented
Can we PLEASE PLEASE loose the irritating vacant white space on timesheets.
They are so **** spread-out, with unnecessary gaps so that the page needs to be rolled left & right and up & down just to process ONE timesheet.
Why is Xero being "dumbed down so much??? It is beyond frustrating
Natashia Ah Ben commented
just to add to this....bank reconciliation....see photo...more than enough space to show more of the description but it doesn't
Freya Pieroz commented
I've attached a screenshot of what one particular invoice looks like, where I've made two changes to the CSS using the Stylebot plugin in Chrome (well, more than that because each cell in the table is coded separately, but...!) - those changes are:
- making all the text the same size as the headings instead of bigger
- putting a pale grey background to the cells containing the table headers and making the text black instead of a faded greyThat's all I did, and immediately it's more user-friendly and Accessible, and I don't have to zoom out in all my windows to make the invoice in this one window fit the screen.
Sarah Jacobs commented
The raise support screen has heaps of white space between sections, but the 'tell us what happened' box is TINY only allowing 2 rows to be shown at once, and makes it difficult to copy and paste text into, or edit once text is already entered. Also, I have to zoom to 67% to see the whole support case, which is unreadable. I already use a 27" screen and wear reading glasses, so need better accessability in this screen.
Sarah Jacobs commented
When adding or editing a new item in product and services, if a purchase account or sales account is text wrapped (which is likely as this field is wrapped after 18 characters), then you have to scroll to save which is inefficient. Again I have this screen zoomed to 90%, wear glasses and use a 27" screen so can't zoom to 80%. There is such a lot of wasted space on this screen with huge gaps beneath fields. Plus the cost price and sell price field is an excessive amount of characters wide. These could be made narrower so that the purchase and sales account fields could be made wider.
Sarah Jacobs commented
In the bank reconciliation when matching a bank transaction there is a lot of wasted space at the top of the screen which means that, even if I've zoomed to 90% , I have to scroll to the bottom to see 2. View your selected transactions & 3. The sum of your selected transactions and select the 'reconcile' button. If I zoom to 80% then some of the font sizes on the screen are too tiny to read (ie spent, received, options, match, split etc) This screen is inefficient. Users should be able to match one transaction without scrolling to the bottom of the screen. Some users reconcile 100's of transactions and need to be able to use this screen more efficiently.
I suggest moving some of the items that take up a lot of real estate on the page such as the 'whats's this prompts
Sarah Jacobs commented
The EOFY STP finalisation page doesn't fit on one page. and causes inefficiencies by unnecessary scrolling. I have already set my zoom to 90% and can't set it any smaller otherwise I can't read anything. I use a 27" screen and already have reading glasses, so can't adjust any further. I can't zoom to less than 90% otherwise I won't be able to read other fonts on other pages in Xero. I am using Chrome.
Sarah Jacobs commented
The STP filing page for payroll doesn't fit on one page and causes inefficiencies by unnecessary scrolling. I have already set my zoom to 90% and can't set it any smaller otherwise I can't read anything. I use a 27" screen and already have reading glasses, so can't adjust any further. I can't zoom to less than 90% otherwise I won't be able to read other fonts on other pages in Xero. I am using Chrome.
There is no reason why the paragraphs in the 'authorisation to file' section have such narrow margins, especially as the 'new information' section has wide margins. Please standardise the sections so they are easier to read.
Please make the 'authorisation to file' section have wider margins so the text can fit over fewer rows. Come on Xero, you need to do some proper user testing to ensure that simple issues like this are resolved before being released.
I've reported this in Xero Central and they said to add it as a product idea.