User Permission - Separate approver roles for both Invoices and Bills
When raising client invoices, it would be good to be able to submit the invoice to a Manager for approval.
When processing supplier bills, it would be good to be able to submit the bill to a Manager for approval of payment of that expense.
In both cases, this would mean that approval details of "who" and "when" would be noted in the History of the invoice/bill without needing to attach a file showing the approval or tracking this outside of the system.
Ideally keeping the Approval role completely separate to the ability to edit the invoice/bill as well as separate to the ability to email invoices/statements/remittances etc.
That is, a single touch-point for managers to say 'approved' or 'send back to draft' without exposing the accounts to potential errors by those inexperienced in bookkeeping and potentially damaging client/supplier relations.

David TEST Fischer commented
YES, this would help streamline our process. Love it!
Michael Kent commented
so valuable especially with eInvoicing where suppliers can place bills directly into Xero, so external approval workflows are bypassed
Adrian Follis commented
As a small business we only have a few invoice approvers, some who do not need any other access to Xero. Just like Jo we are managing this process outside of Xero and attaching approvals as a file on the invoice. If the manager could be emailed to approve the invoice and then respond by 'Approve' or 'Send back to Draft' with a note, that would be great. The Approval Only role would achieve this.
Helen Alexander commented
How does the Xero corporation manage approval of payments and expenses? The managers responsible for the budget area needs to be able to approve the invoices for their area only - and without changing the data added by the finance team. We find the process in Xero really manual. We should be able to get a bill into Xero using Hubdoc and automatically added to a list for a named approver - this could be set by account code within chart of accounts or in contacts if linked to the supplier. The approval process is really clunky. We need to have an audit trail for the approval and we also need to make it easy for managers to approve all their invoices by looking at one list.