Sales overview - Add a Sent column onto the Draft tab
1) When creating a draft invoice, and draft invoice is emailed out, it would be good to see from the 'home' page in the 'draft' folder, which invoices have been emailed. This could simply be an icon of an envelope, for example, that shows on the right hand side when the invoice has been emailed (yes even in draft form).
2) When viewing an invoice, a 'previous/back' and 'next' button to move to the next sequential invoice number (either forward or back) would be great, rather than having to back to 'draft' or 'awaiting payment' folder and then selecting next invoice.

Hi Katrina, coming back across your idea here I notice there are 2 distinct ideas wrapped into the one.
We try to keep one idea per thread to make it clear for others to know what they're voting for and be able to share this information back with our product teams.
When you say next and back buttons - would this be when only viewing an invoice (not taking any action)? Reason being, is that there are Save and Approve options from the drop down that'd allow you to move onto the next invoice in the list or add a new one - More detail on this here
I'll slightly adjust the title here to reflect your first idea, but are welcome to start another if the current approve and next options are sufficient and we can get a feel for the interest around that separately.
Elaine Dunne commented
HI, Yes would like to see the next invoice and bring you to the actual invoice rather than having to come back out to, to be able to go into the next invoice.
A little next tab for everything including Purchase orders. You can only see an overview of the invoices. Would be nice to be able to toggle through the detail of invoices rather than having to open up several tabs