Quotes - Reduce number of steps to create and send
New quote screen has created a lot of extra steps in creating quotes
- moved buttons out of intuitive workflow space
- save button now hidden at top right instead of at bottom of quote
- quote numbers less visible once saved
- sending a saved quote takes a lot more steps
Understand the need for new framework but the workflow changes have made creating quotes longer and more complicated. Thanks.

Truck Parts commented
Not very impressed with new quote either! Please keep it nice and simple, make small changes at a time that customers request in Xero Product Ideas instead of re-hauling the whole software without your customers request as the customer are the ones that are paying your bills and salary. Listen to them.
Biggest problem I have is we can't edit the item name. We have very similar items as most companies would have and if we type in the wrong item or want to change to a very similar item by just changing 1 number or whatever I have to completely type in the new item, please make it editable. Thanks!
Also can you add the option to the quote to print Work Orders like you do Packing Slips for Invoices but with it's own template under branding theme. https://productideas.xero.com/forums/939198-for-small-businesses/suggestions/45571909-work-order
michael algeri commented
I need to attach my terms and conditions to every quote I send out as an attachment, the fact that I now have to save a quote before it letting me attach a quote to send out is ridiculous! Im so annoyed at this update, your system has 100 percent not improved
And then having to even toggle to attach after ive done the saving and attaching is mind blowing stupidity at its greatest
Who great idea was this!
michael algeri commented
The new update is garbage yet prices are going up.
Andrew McDougall commented
This new screen has also taken away any ability to change to person (Attn to) for the quote, requiring editing of the contact. In the old version is was possible to do this once the quote was marked as sent (also not ideal).
It would be good to have a drop down list of contact with an organisation that you can pick from for quotes and invoices.