Reporting - Show Billable Expenses in Account transactions report
When running an account transactions report, the ability to add a column to show line items that are marked as billable expenses or, a filter option to filter for billable expenses.

Elizabeth Tan commented
It would be good to have feature to mark "Billed" so that GL generated can be filter as "Billed" or "Billable".
Jen Whalen commented
This is really important to make sure that you have not missed billing expenses out to clients if they were incurred on client behalf.
Cassie Bingham commented
Please add this as this would save hours of reconciling GL accounts to billable expenses report to make sure everything has been on charged
Jane Mitchell commented
Does anyone know if this is being looked at at all by Xero?
Jenny Mackintosh commented
To run a transaction report and be able to see if costs have been assigned to a customer would be great and what would make it even better is if you could see if that cost has also been billed out to the customer.
Robert Sterne commented
This would be so useful
Suzanne Gerrish commented
PLEASE Make a simple report for each customer that has expenses assigned to them - otherwise what is the use of assigning expenses if you cannot see them together
Tina Wigley commented
This feature would make a lot of sense, to save valuable time.
Abigail Towns commented
This function is absolutely necessary for checking all costs have been invoiced out correctly! cross referencing account transactions takes far too long!
Jane Mitchell commented
All our billable expenses are coded to a single cost code and the monthly check of over 1000 bills to confirm they are assigned is very time consuming.
Xero, please add this feature!!! It has been raised many times by many users over the years and still nothing has been rolled out.
Linelle Martinovich commented
This should be a feature just like when using Xero Projects to be able to see which expenses have not been assigned to a Project. Not all clients wish to use the Xero Projects add on.
Ryan Oltman commented
This is really a no brainer feature that needs to be added. The only current way to accomplish this is to click through every invoice/ spend money line item on an account transactions report. This could be hundreds or even thousands of items a month for larger entities or across companies. Please add Xero!
Noel Rude commented
It takes hours to compare the transaction report to the billable expense report and the chance for error is high.