Expenses claim - Access to suppliers list for reimbursable claims
When entering an expense claim you can only assign it to a supplier if you paid with company money. If you pay with personnel money the supplier field is only free text and doesn't list suppliers to choose from.
I would like it so that we can search for suppliers and see everything that has been purchased from them no matter if it was paid directly to them or from one of our team members' back pocket.

Maria Daehn commented
There is no real way to check if an expense claim hasn't also been entered as a bill.
It is essential that a Supplier contact (just like bills) be added to the Expense claim. This will assist in clarity as to what is being paid for and by whom/account. The Claim should be visible in the Supplier/Contact activity tab
Emma Ranade commented
This is really important as currently no way to report or search expense claims based on supplier.
Richard Warren commented
Absolutely crucial if we are to keep a track on costs and to avoid double ups/overpayment/unnecessary expenses
Richard Warren commented
Also, as this was a feature in the old expense system, is it possible to go back to the old system?
Richard Warren commented
A crucial way of keeping an eye on reoccurring supplier costs that are often paid on a private credit card, particularly in small organisations and where cost oversight is even more important