Invoice/Bills - Edit contact details (name, email, BSB, Account no.) when creating a bill
At the moment when entering a bill from a new supplier I can only enter the name of the supplier in the bill, then go into contacts to add their details.
It would be more convenient if there was a button to add contact as new, and have a pop-up page where I can add more details of those suppliers from bill page.
Sometimes when working through many invoices from new suppliers it's hard to remember which contacts need to be revisited to add details especially contact details and bank details for batch payments.

Caitlin Dinning commented
I completely agree and I'm surprised this hasn't been picked up previously. I enter many new contacts when I'm entering bills and even just being able to enter the ABN details while the bill is open and the details are right there would be much more intuitive than having to search the contact later, open the bill again and copy the details from the bill.