Xero Expenses - Show original currency + currency amount
Have the original currency + amount available as field options in the Reports section, so I can run an expense details report and see both the original currency and the GBP.
The use case here is that we have US people using Xero Expenses who need paying in USD. I have to go into each expense item to manually write down the USD value and the add it up to pay. It's properly daft when I know the currency amount is there. And we can't enter it as a bill because they are using Xero expenses.

Ricardo Sanchez commented
This should be something basic. Expenses once approved become payable bills and it should have the exchange rate information along with it. The rest of the system does this and if only for consistency I would expect this to work.
Joelle Chia commented
Same issue with currency handling in Xero Expenses that makes it hard for us to adopt using that paid add-on
Paul Imseih commented
Adding another voice to call for reports to have columns setting out the original currency and exchange rate used for conversions. This is pretty basic stuff. If a user enters data into any of the fields in an expense claim, that data should be available to us in a report. It's that simple.
It's extra dumb that when you travel for work and put expenses through, this will usually be in the local currency, not the home currency. But Xero applies an artificial conversion rate that doesn't bear any resemblance to the rate actually used by your bank so reconciliations are all over the place. This implementation is a mess.
Come on Xero - this is accounting software so give us back our data!
Ching Bin Yang commented
Agree.. this is fundamental requirement. I have a prospect that is hesistant switching to XERO because the expense claim functionality does not show the original claim currency in a consolidated report with breakdown.
Sigmund Salsjo commented
if we cant do this in xero the soft ware is soft
Margaret Valletta commented
THIS! Every time employees have to submit their expenses, in some cases 50-70 at a time, they enter their USD amount that I need to pay them. Which in turn converts to GBP. I then need to painstakingly keep track on an excel spreadsheet of the USD amount of each expense item so that we pay them the proper amount! It's such a waste of my time! Can you please find a way to create something that I can generate (report) of the original currency amount to make this process run smoother? The entire expense report module should be looked at as there is no reporting functions for anything expense related (Already made a bunch of suggestions). This could be so helpful for auditing as well. And, employees like to know how much they have entered in expenses (In USD for example), unless they add them all up themselves, they have no idea how much they are due as well!
Ian Whitmarsh commented
the Expenses App add-on is quite frustrating and creates a lot of extra workload. We have expenses in foreign currencies that need to be repaid in the expense currency, but the app and software automatically converts this to the base currency... so we need to manually calculate once again how much original currency we need to re-imburse each time. Very frustrating.
Nicola Holdaway commented
I have exactly the same issue. It is so time consuming without a report that shows both currencies
Ian Whitmarsh commented
If expenses are in GBP, or USD.. I'd like the option to NOT convert the currency to the base currency (HKD in my case), or convert at an agreed rate. So if a staff pays GBP100, I'd like to be able to repay them GBP100 or an agreed ex rate, not the old XE exchange rate that cannot be adjusted..
Donna Hanlon commented
I am having a huge problem with this. We process lots of invoices in euros and USD and when the payments come through the bank these are taken at the exchange rate through the bank on the day in GBP. The xe rate that is allocated to the invoice is not matching and therefore I need to find a way of taking off this xe rate to be able to reconcile the invoices without having to do a manual calculation and readjust each invoice individually.
Rob Schaefer commented
We also need the same thing. It's nuts to have the expense currency converted to base currency and then convert back to the expense currency for payment. We have a bank account in the expense currency (in this case USD), so it shouldn't be difficult.
Ha Nguyen commented
We really really need the same thing.