Payable Invoice Detail report - Total invoices payable per contact
Enable the Payable Invoice Detail report to total the invoices for each contact. At present the report totals the GST component of each contact's invoices, which I find not at all useful. It would be possible to export the report to Excel, and calculate the totals in that format, but this would be time-consuming.
I use the payable invoice detail report to get approvals for payment. It would be useful for the person doing the approving to see how much each contact's invoices add up to.

Hi team, returning to the idea here I wanted to check if this is still an issue? With the Payable Invoice Details report you'll find you can 'Group by' Contact and there are options to include Balance, Gross Tax and Net columns within the report so you can get a full break down and totals for each.
Sharon Morris commented
I struggle to understand how this need to be a product idea when it is obviously an error when writing the report. If you have a total for the GST you should have a total for the Invoice Total column