AU Payroll - History of leave requests
Firstly, when an employee is submitting a leave application, they are unable to adjust the number of hours they are taking when submitting this leave when the leave period is for more than one day. This is problematic for part-time employees that may work different hours on different days of their working week.
Also, employees used to be able to see the number of hours taken but this is no longer the case - why is this?
And finally, my client has multiple entities that use Xero for payroll processing however requires employees that are employed in one entity to approve leave applications by employees in another entity. The only way that I understand this can be achieved is by setting up the approver as an 'employee' in the other entity so that they can receive these leave application requests and action as required. Is there an update to Xero coming that will allow for leave approvers to be set up as a User with leave approver access only?

Hi everyone, appreciate we haven't engaged directly in this idea sooner and reading through the detail of the original post here we do want to break this down a little to provide more clarity.
It's correct that currently it's not possible to enter a number of hours leave if the request spans more than a day. We have another idea that's gathering support around this and we'd urge those interested in this to join.
Similarly, we have another idea based around the permission to approve or decline leave request and provide read-only access to Payroll reports that you can support, here.
Understanding the importance around being able to see history of events in payroll, you may have noticed we've rolled out payroll history to the employee record-level and most recently you can now see a history of user activity in the Organisation, Calendars, Pay Items, Superannuation & STP Settings tabs of the Payroll Settings.
Jessica Ash commented
+1 please!! Critical.
Alexander Morrisson commented
Ella Worth commented
JK is on the money with this request!
Jonathan King commented
Currently it's not possible to see what date a leave request was made in Xero. The only hint is the leave approver may have a request in their email showing the date and time it was requested. If this email is deleted or the enquiry is from one of the other admins you can not find this information.
Please add the date a leave request is submitted.
Victoria Trelease commented
COntacted support about this yesterday- they advised me to submit a Product Idea- found yours in doing so. Will start one also, but wanted to comment and vote on yours to help our case!
Debbie Hall commented
It is hard work trying to work out how many days leave have been taken as they are in order submitted rather than date order. A proper report would be great but the ability to sort by date taken would at least help.
Very frustrating
There are no reports that show Annual Leave requests so very hard to understand status and check for queries. This has been raised as a case previously by many users. Still no response. It is getting to the point i will move away from XERO.