Organisation Settings - Display more than 5 organizations from change organisation drop down list
When a person has more than 5 organizations in their portfolio the 'Change of Organization' drop down list only shows the most recent 5 used. It would be helpful if ALL your organizations showed on screen to choose from. Or of course, having the option to reduce to the 5 normal.

Graham Verbunt commented
Michael Garcia commented
Is there any update on this? Pretty vital from an accounts completeness and is surely an easy fix...
Forrest Fresh commented
yes very important, i agree
Lyn Jones commented
Yes I agree come on Xero surely this isn't a hard fix
Julie-Ann Muscat commented
Can you remove the demo company from this list?
Kerry Vujnovich commented
Surely this isn't hard to do. It would make life so much easier. Come on Xero I have to keep a manual list and tick them off as I work through them, so backward. Does anyone know if they actually look at these suggestions, this has been brought up over 2 years ago. Gosh if MYOB can do it surely XERO can?
Nicola Frazer commented
We have 8 organisations in our group and the one I want is invariably not in the 5 listed in the drop down list. It would save time and frustration if I could see them all.
Lisa Edmonds commented
Yes to this! Its too hard to remember every organisation name without a manual list. Also it helps to remind me if i see the organisation in the list.
Georgina Huguenet commented
Being able to see all my organisations from this drop down list would be extremely helpful as it would allow me to remember all the clients I need to be working on regularly in a quick and easy step.
Stephen Bailey commented
Hi Xero, is there any update about this idea?
I'm sure it's not very difficult to either make the list longer or add a drop-down feature.
Something so simple, yet useful should be simple to deploy.
Mary Phillips commented
this is a most annoying issue
Peter Williams commented
At least 10 please
Keitha Turner commented
I agree - 10-15 would be better
Simon Patterson commented
Joshua Ho commented
This is absolutely critical. I am not sure what the design intent was to hide the list of organisation files.
Angela Wesker commented
Yes please - another vote for this!!!!! Even the view more suggestion would be helpful. Not always easy to recall the name of multiple entities to type in the search bar without referencing a list of companies to maintain
Grant Hutton commented
I have 11 organizations in Xero, but can only see the last 5 in the drop down menu. It would be really helpful if you could see all entities from the drop down menu.
Richard Sands commented
I agree and option for 10 or 15 companies in "Change Organisation"
Brian Gebauers commented
We only have 8 entities we need to switch between frequently, so extending this list to 10 (with the Demo company toggle suggested above) would be perfect
Lisa Powell commented
Again Xero has some really good features, but some of the basic stuff like this, is just missing. Why would you limit the number of organisations you can see. It just doesn't make any sense.