BAS (AU) - Monthly PAYG Income tax instalment
Xero doesn't currently have the option for reporting PAYG Income Tax Instalment on a monthly basis. Could Xero look into providing this option in the monthly BAS Activity Statement reporting.

Appreciate your input here, everyone. Our team has looked into this idea to better understand the needs and complexities involved, however they don't have any concrete plans for it just yet.
Rest assured that our eyes are on the ground monitoring your feedback and votes here, so please keep adding them in this thread. For the time being, I’ll move this idea into ‘Under review’ status. And if there's any movement, we'll make sure to come back here and let you all know.
Lisa Bell-Chambers commented
We are considered an SME and are now required to have monthly tax instalments. The fact that Xero doesn't support this is very disappointing. Please have this option included as a priority
Robyne Dole commented
It would great to have this one included
Lisa D'Adderio commented
So many of my clients require this one
Tanya Holtham commented
Critical for a few of my clients, would be great to get this one actioned sooner rather than later!
Debra O'Doherty commented
I have 2 clients that pay PAYG Instalments monthly - would like this to be available in BAS
Chris McClellan commented
Is there any progress on this please ?
Lindy Waldron commented
I have the exact same problem - hopefully they can add this
Alvin Sun commented
Being able to choose quarterly or monthly report period under BAS part.
Belinda Dodds commented
I too need to have this option available in Xero. I am surprised it is not already available. My client is a medium business that is required to lodge monthly BAS's including GST, PAYG-withholding and PAYG tax instalments.