Statements - Attach outstanding invoices
It would be a time saver if copies of outstanding invoices were attached when emailing customer statements

HI team, while it's not possible to include links to all outstanding invoices when sending a statement I did want to make sure you're aware of the option to include a link to Outstanding bills when emailing an invoice to customer.
From this link your customer will be able to see a total and the individual invoices they have outstanding to pay with you - more on this here
Heather Mills commented
I'm in total agreement with Jane Powell's comment:
'The option to send invoices again as PDFs by email as attachments when sending a customer statements of account at the same time (without having to do this manually.)'
That's exactly what I'd like. -
James Kray-Hall commented
This is a massive time saver and it will also stop customers having to ask for copies of invoices if we could send all at once so rather than just links just have the statement followed by the list of outstanding invoices this means in one email or one print out everything they need is in one go.
Jane Powell commented
The option to send invoices again as PDFs by email as attachments when sending a customer statements of account at the same time (without having to do this manually.)
Steve Harvey-Franklin commented
On an email template for statements, Include a placeholder link where customers can click that link to view their outstanding invoices. To save the customer requesting copy invoices and to save us having to find and send copy invoices
Ashley Head commented
It would be extremely useful if we had the option to include the outstanding invoices as an attachment when sending statements.
When we send end of month statements we always have clients email us asking for a copy of the invoice as the statements don't give enough details.