Xero Projects - Needs Total Estimated Hours & Total Used Hours (for Tasks) at top of Projects
Xero Projects - Needs Total Estimated Hours & Total Actual Hours (for Tasks) at top of Project. We quote projects based on hours and $ for each task. We would like to be able to easily see 'total hours' at the top of the screen for the project, and then total hours used, so we can see how many hours we have left to go on the Project (helps us to keep worked hours in check). At this point I would have to manually add up all hours for all tasks to get a total, which is tedious, and then I would also have to do the same for hours 'used'. Totals at the top would be amazing. Thanks
Matthew Newell commented
need this, i add them up excel every month, so painful
Kyleanne Hardwick commented
Yes! I’m really surprised this is not a thing!! You really need to have the ability to see totals easily rather than bind to mnullt did them up! So tedious and time wasting! Please make this a reality for us all. Thank you.