VAT group feature - Option to prepare and finalise individual returns for non-MTD VAT organsiations
It would be great to see a feature that was specific to VAT groups so it's an easy experience (rather than importing and exporting figures)

Emma Howard commented
Would definitely make life easier!
Stewart Keigher commented
Given the MTD interface VAT returns have to be correct and there is simply no point in having Xero as an accounting package if it can't successfully handle this regulatory reporting step. It sounds as though the import feature is a workaround and gives rise to convern about data integrity and timing of transactions
Joanne Smith commented
Would certainly help my Company
Collette Brown commented
It would be a great benefit!
Hristina Tsvetankova commented
It would be a great benefit!
Joanne Turner commented
Would greatly benefit our clients
Joanne Smith commented
Would make a group VAT submission a lot easier to upload to HMRC
Karen Smart commented
It would be great to have a group VAT feature on Xero, that pulls the information through from the other entity.
Andy Aplin commented
I agree. The current Xero solution is cumbersome and open to problems with maintaining the digital integrity of the data in accordance with HMRC requirements.
A better solution would be for there to be an option in the non-MTD VAT organisations to prepare the individual VAT returns, and then have a button to finalise for consolidation (or similar) which creates files with the required info for HMRC. Then, in the MTD registered organisation, have a menu item that pulls together the VAT data prepared above from the individual companies, and submits it to HMRC.