Account Transactions report - Move selected date range 1 month forward or back
When in account transactions (or any report where you can select a date range) have a button to move that date range one month forwards or one month back.
For example if you have the date range selected as 01.08.2022-31.08.2022 have a backwards button that would change this automatically to 01.07.2022- 31.07.2022 or a forwards button that would change this to 01.09.2022-30.09.2022 without having to go in and manually change the date to every month.
This would be very helpful when doing detailed reconciliations on a monthly basis so you can move between the months much quicker. I know you can a P&L for a month and compare it to previous months but you cannot see the detail like you can in account transactions.

Robert Flook commented
There is a similar idea with more votes (Have a button to move the date range one month forward or backwards) so probably worth merging the ideas.
Robert Flook commented
Great idea. This would save lots of time as it would would take out 80-90% of the time to move from 1 month to another. I rarely use the 'This Month' option as it is only after the month end that I am analysing things. Also, Xero defaults the dates to the current month making the option a bit of a waste of time.
If you are looking at anything it is generally on a monthly basis as this ties up with statements, budgets etc.
Lou Williams commented
It would be great to see a next month button, for when you are looking at entries per month within an account code or report. Currently i use the drop downs and select the next month dates, then update. This one button would switch to the next full month and update the data.
Thanks for the added detail, Ella.
I see what you mean, and while this isn't something we have direct plans for right now, we'll start to track the interest here 🙂 -
Ella Hardy commented
Hi Kelly,
I am aware you can set the date range for last month or this month eg. if it is currently September 22 'last month' would set the date range to August and 'this month' would set the date range to September.
However what I mean is that if you have a month range selected eg. it is September 22 but I have set my date range to 01.03.2022-31.03.2022 a 'next month' button would automatically change this to 01.04.2022-30.04.2022 and a 'previous month' button would change this to 01.02.2022-28.02.2022.
The difference being that this option would be dynamic and would not be restricted to previous month from todays date. This would be really helpful for month by month account transactions analysis on the account transactions feature for example.