Invoice template - Ability to add Invoice Balance Forward
When printing an invoice I would like to go to the customer's account and bring forward the balance that is on their account.
And have this balance on a line above the net amount for this invoice, which would then add the gross amount to the brought forward value and have aline below the gross amount of the invoice, showing the total amount that they owe to date including this invoice.

john hammer commented
Implementing this feature should be child's play for any competent programmer.
Michele Scott commented
Is there any update that customer's balances can be pulled forward to current/new invoices?
Kevin Adams commented
Nearly everyone who sends me an invoice has balance brought forward. Not sure what systems they use. I also put this forward couple of years ago but it seems to get ignored
Luke Armstrong commented
Yes, trying to add [Balance With Symbol] placeholder to an email INVOICE, but apparently you can only add it to an email STATEMENT. Would be good to be able show the customers current account balance on their most recent email invoice.
john hammer commented
There is an easier way to put balance forward/past due amounts on an invoice. One just adds additional lines and amounts for each late invoice. After printing and emailing, one just edits the invoice and sets all the past due/balance forward amounts to zero. This is much easier than editing PDFs.
john hammer commented
We started requesting this feature several years ago with various customer support agents. To created past due invoices with additional charges, we must resort to editing the PDF after download. Not only that but we must email the invoice manually, not through xero. Seems to me, the need for this feature is self evident as every company that sends invoices has late paying customers.