Reporting: New P&L Report - Include archived Tracking Category used in date range
"Compare Tracking Category" in the Old Format P&L Report includes columns for all Tracking Category Values USED in the date range; irrespective of whether the value is ACTIVE or ARCHIVED.
"Compare Tracking Category" in the New Format P&L Report is different: it includes columns for ACTIVE Tracking Category Values. This represents an incomplete view because ARCHIVED Tracking Category Values USED in the date range are not included.
Please can you enable reporting of USED Tracking Category Values in the New Format P&L Report before you remove Old Format Reports in July 2023.
Custom reports don't provide a viable solution due to the limited automation / maintenance overhead. And the workaround of ceasing to archive Tracking Category Values increases the chance of data entry errors and adds unnecessary bulk to reports.

Victoria Willington commented
Completely agree that this needs implementing. As a result of archived tracking categories, the historic profit and loss reports by tracking category don't add up!!