UK Payroll: Record send dates of pension eligibility letters
The Pensions Act 2008 requires all employers to enrol their eligible employees into an auto-enrolment compliant qualifying workplace pension scheme, if they are not already in one, and pay specified minimum contributions. At the moment there is no way to check if and when the letter was sent to the employer. As this is a point on our audit checklist for all our clients would it be possible to add a field showing the date when the letter was sent out to an employee or ideally add it to a pension report.

Shona Rankine commented
I totally agree. If I was ill or to leave, there is no way for someone else to know if the pension letters were sent or when. Same for issuing a P45.
Pretty basic stuff Xero! -
Helen White commented
When employees are being assessed for auto enrolment, Xero advises at the point of posting that a letter is now due for those who have been assessed as eligible.
This should be widened so that Xero advises us of all employees who have been assessed in this payroll run and have been categorised as non eligible or entitled so that we are reminded to send the appropriate letters. Otherwise we have to keep track of the whole eligibility process.
It should also be recorded on the employees record when any of these letters were sent to the employees regardless of whether they are postponement or the different categories of assessment letters. Currently there is absolutely no record of if they have been sent from Xero or by any other means.