Supplier Activity Report - Description column includes description
When I run a supplier bill activity report it would be HELPFUL if the description column actually contained the description of the invoices, or at least the start of it. For example, say a supplier is for office rent then I put in the description what period or month the rent is for. Then, if I run a supplier activity report I would expect the ******** description column to show me the helpful description I entered. Instead I get INV Ref: xxxxxx which repeats the xxxxxx from the reference column next to it. Noe useful at all, and the info I want to see is not there. Pointless. Do any of you people ever try and use your own software?????????????????? For invoices, can the description column on this report please be the actual description. Thanks

Payable Invoice Details report, grouped or filtered by your Contact should be of use to you here, Michael.
There is an option to include 'Description' as a column. Let us know if this helps provide the view you're after.
Colin Dutenhoffer commented
This is yet another example showing that Xero doesn't know what a description really is. It is not a contact or a invoice number. It is the information I feel is necessary to describe the transaction.
Tracie Wrobel commented
Is anything actually being done to rectify this as I too would like to see a report actually giving the information required. I need to see the actual description as entered not the Invoice number!
I cant believe this has still not been addressed after two years.
Unless you actually use the software you should not be allowed to design it as you have no idea how it works! It is so frustrating that I cannot see a basic report. Not to mention time consuming trying to find the information required. -
Danilo Magbual commented
@ Kelly Munro, we know what are you talking about but your answer is not for the question being asked. Even if you include the description as a column, the information that appears there is not the actual intended information.... For example, when I export a GL for specific account, the description that appears is the name of the supplier not the actual description that appears in the invoice or bill.
Danilo Magbual commented
Same case with me, everytime export GL records, the description show the name of the supplier not the actual description as shown in the invoice or bill... so frustrating
Karen Hart commented
It is becoming more frustrating having to run a report to find out very basic accounting information which should be easily found by drilling down through the customer/supplier.