Apportioning single cost bill line to several projects
Projects Management - There are instances when a bill line item needs to be apportioned/allocated to two or more projects. At the moment the only way to do this is by splitting this line item across several bill lines (as many as projects to allocate to) and then do the allocation. The idea would be to add a "Split" button to the project allocation form, say next to current search field in the form ( not the search at the top but the one next to each billed item), so that current functionally remains i.e. type project in search box to allocate 100% of the cost to that project or, if needs to be split, the user clicks the button of the given cost bill line and a form is offered to add several projects and their corresponding apportionment in % or money value. Simple checks like the sum equates to 100% or total line value would prevent user input error mistakes.

Menerva Wong commented
I work as a bookkeeper here, please add this feature. It is very hard to manually split every invoice especially for our Construction clients. It also doesn't look good when it shows on cheque vouchers.
Sherrine Smith commented
I work for a social enterprise where head office overheads are split between 12 properties that we manage based on the number of living units in the property as a percentage of total units across all 12. We intend to acquire 2 more properties in the new year and currently one invoice will have 12 lines. We wish to overcome this by finding a solution that does not create such a number of transactions as well slow down xero or prohibit us updating custom reports due to the level of customisation. We would love an automated feature to eradicate this too.
Emma Rosenblatt (Accounts) commented
We are a manufacturing company and this feature would be used everyday for us. At the moment we are wasting so much time duplicating item lines and breaking everything down in order to be able to assign the right amount to a designated project...Please update with this feature.