Cash Summary - Easily add monthly comparatives
The new cash summary report is not as user friendly as the old version.
The most common cash summary format used is a full year or YTD monthly report. In the old version it had the months listed so easy to go back to the end of month of last years financial year whereas now all the current options only refer to the last month or are a full year. When comparing with periods 11 months was the most common option used as wanted to compare a full year but now this has to be entered manually. If you want to swtich formats to other common formats you have to reenter all the data again, date range and compare with.
Like the original report the information is displayed backwards with the newest month first rather than in date order. Would be better if it was the the correct order.
Appreciate the new version of report may take a few steps to set up and it can take some getting used to the changes from old to new, Alicia. Being open we don't plan to complete copy the older version.
Having a bit of a test, if you regularly compare the past 11 months you can set this in the Compare with period = 11 and Months. Once run you can then use the Layout editor to move the columns oldest to newest.
If you then Save as custom you'll find that you can jump back into this formatting any time and update the Date range of the report which will hold the Compare with settings you've set up in the report.