Customer Statement - Option to remove allocated payments
Customer Statements - the current statements show payments allocated to invoices. This is confusing for customers who make part payments. Can Xero please bring in an option to not include payment allocations as our customers only want to view their statements by looking at the amounts they actually paid, not the break ups

Appreciate wanting to see a direct option within customer statements that exist in Xero.
An option here would be to run the Customer Invoice Activity report where you can filter by Source to remove payment type sources such as 'Receivable Payment'. Once set up this could be saved as a custom report to be run with your filters at any time. 🙂
NDEL Office commented
... and it's not just the customer statements that confuse. Payments are also placed as deductions from actual invoices. So if I send out an invoice with a bottom line of £1000 today, and then the customer overpays last month's invoices by £100, that overpayment makes the latest invoice look like it's only for £900. Often a customer loses his emails and asks for a copy invoice, that will now look like a £900 invoice instead, causing great confusion
Peter Dielwart commented
Wow not gonna lie, read the response and I think Xero missed the memo.
I too, would like a statement that is more traditional. a simple list of invoices with their value in the debit column and payments (without allocations) in the credit column. Something that reflects "ACTUAL" financial activity. Clients want to see their payments on the statement so the Customer Invoice Activity report is less than worthless.
Madelein van Emmenis commented
Good day,
Your suggestion does not work. If I filter by source to remove payment type sources such as receivable payment - it only show the receivable payment and does not include the other payments shown under overpayment. We only need to show the total payment customer made. -
Brett Steingo commented
Hi @Jayne
Sorry to hear that.No, @Kelly Munro's suggestion does not help. This issue is such a pain I literally want to just go back to Sage. My accountant is stopping me ;) - but if we need to be customer-centric, Xero is getting this one badly wrong.
Jayne Smith commented
Appreciate everyone's comments here. Unfortunately I lost this client and was unable to solve the customer statement problem for them. Kelly I am not sure if your solution would have worked, but reading other responses perhaps it was not the right solution. I really hope that Xero could fix this problem facing a lot of their business customers and create 'Beautiful Business' statements that are easy to read for everyday people.
Jacquie Hata commented
I totally agree the way it is printed now is very confusing for customers - they just want to see the total they have paid not what invoices it was allocated to and this would ellimate the need to do timely reconciliations for our clients.
Brett Steingo commented
Like this. Simple. Where a customer does a payment, that payment value must be reflected (as one number) on the statement.
Claire Taylor commented
Kelly the Customer Invoice Activity report is not a solution to the problem it still shows the payment split and allocated against each invoice even if it did show the total payment it is not a statement with our letterhead - very unprofessional and how do we select which customers to print each month - ridiculous!.
I only have about 20 statements to send out every month let alone other businesses that have 100s to send out.
What we are wanting the statements to show on the statement the total payment the customer has made not show how the payment was split up against invoices. Like Jayne said the customer just wants to check what they have paid - not specifically which invoices it went against. Can this total not come from the batch total of the payment if paying for many invoices.
Would have thought this was a simple accounting practice for an accounting system
Lauren Christie commented
Couldn't agree more - our customers are contantly complaining bout this.
Also hard to explain to them because ALL other finance systems have this capability.
Simonne van Zuydam commented
This answer does not resolve the problem - this reflects an activity statement of invoices without reflecting payments, that is not useful at all.
The clients want to see a statement that shows invoices and payments - not payments split per allocation - just their lump sum payment
Claire Taylor commented
I totally agree the way it is printed now is very confusing for customers - they just want to see the total they have paid not what invoices it was allocated to
Brett Steingo commented
Hi @Kelly Munro
That doesn't seem to help. The payments are still split based on our allocations. We need to see the complete payment as made by the customer. -
Tim Deane commented
as per other users
Lance Dickerson commented
@Rochelle van Greunen DEAR is an inventory management tool which we use. It integrates directly to Xero and has the ability to generate the statement correctly. Not ideal but it works. DEAR is not a cheap work around by any means
Rochelle van Greunen commented
@Lance Dickerson is DEAR a CRM?
Lance Dickerson commented
Daily complaint. Have resorted to using DEAR to do this for us. Not great
Rochelle van Greunen commented
Our customers are requesting adjusted statements meaning a lot of manual work now needs to be performed
Jonathan Fouche commented
I am a Xero partner and many clients request this feature - many have mentioned it critical for their business
Brett Steingo commented
We constantly get customers asking us for a statement on which they can see the actual payments as per their bank accounts. The current format of the statement is different to how all other statements are done and is not helpful to customers. Our allocations are meaningless to them if theirs are not the same.