Dashboard - Ability to set up another users dashboard
We would like to be able to hide certain bank accounts on the dashboard so our employees who reconcile our bank accounts don't also see our payroll bank account (same with loan accounts, savings accounts etc) where the wages get paid from. I.e. the ability to edit the dashboard and 'hide' a bank account for certain employees/ Xero users. Currently as I understand, editing the dashboard is unique to the logged in user.

Hi Heiko, even if you were to hide the bank account from the dashboard, if the user has permissions that enable them to access bank accounts they would be able to view this information somewhere else.
It sounds like you'd be interested in the idea across here asking for the ability to restrict access to bank accounts. Would this be correct?
If so, I'll merge to keep this feedback altogether.
Cathy Empson commented
The Xero Dashboard online is great for reconciling daily transactions however, there is no way to give administrators access to just the dashboard in Xero without seeing further private company information. If there was an API to the dashboard, developers could choose to show or hide other confidential information from administrative staff
April Nollner commented
Hello Heiko Kaiser,
I'm kind of new to using XERO and don't have staff or other users to be concerned with their access as you do; however, couldn't the user permissions or restrictions when you set-up the user access be able to assist you with your limited dashboard view and access????
Just trying to help you brainstorm on a possible workaround for your issue.
Hope someone with XERO admin can assist.