Find & recode - Support payroll transactions
I have a particular client where we use tracking categories. We have set up a tracking category called jobs so hours and expenses can be allocated to these jobs. However, errors occur, and it would be great to be able to reallocate find and recode just like you can do with other times to move those hours or expense from one job to another.

Freya Pieroz commented
We have tracking categories for the state that an employee is considered to be working in - an absolute necessity for payroll tax and other state-based expenses. I would dearly love to be able to recode tracking categories on payroll transactions for a particular person for a particular month, to save time when these categories can change.
Payroll tax, for example, has a 'fun' set of tiered criteria for determining the state in which an employee is deemed to be working in any particular month, such that if an employee lives in NSW, usually works just across the border in Canberra, but one month works out of Queensland for a week, then in that month, their employer pays payroll tax in NSW where they'd usually be paying in the ACT.
Linda Kennington commented
Hi Liz and Laura,
My main issue is that I use timesheets to enter the employees' hours and allocate those hours to a particular job so it can be billed out, however if the wrong job is entered for whatever reason, timesheets does not come up as a condition against type and if you use the wages code, it won't bring up any transaction entered through payroll. I guess ultimately, it would be great if payroll transactions could be included in the type of transactions you can find & recode. At this point, I am doing a timesheet report on the hours allocated to that job and calculating the amount by the employees' rate(s) and doing a manual journal. It is just very time consuming if an error occurs.
Thanks for your input and open to any other suggestions.
Linda -
Laura Rudge commented
Hi Liz, thank you, I've just found that option in the Demo and that works. In our case, VAT was an issue but other than that, that's a huge help.
Liz Small commented
I think it is possible to find and recode tracking categories. if you click add on the window where you make changes you can add your tracking category. on the screenshot my client uses JOB. hope that helps
Laura Rudge commented
I have a client with a large property portfolio and sometimes we have to recode a lot of transactions to a different property; I have to go in to each one individually and it takes so long. Please, please, could you have a Find & Recode option for Tracking