Batch payment - Description from expense claims
currently we put all of our mileage through as an expense claim and then make a bath payment once it is a certain amount, however when creating the batch payment, the report produced at the end just simply stated expense claim. this can be clicked to go in individually however it would be nice if the description for that expense could also be shown so that it produces a better overview of what is being paid. even if this is just an option to add different columns that it can be selected from, that would improve things.

Hi Daniel, when you say the report you produce - could you share the specific report or page you're viewing where you'd like to see this detail? Thanks!
Tim Boxall commented
I can't speak for Daniel, but I have this issue when producing the Account Transactions report. We create a batch payment for multiple expense claims. If I generate an AT report for an Expenses account which has expense claims coded to it, each claim shows as follows:
Source: Payable Payment
Contact: [Contact Name]
Description: Payment: [Contact Name]
Reference: Expense ClaimsIt would be really helpful to see the Description of the expense as it was entered in the expense claim, rather than just the Contact which is already shown in the Contact column. See attached for an example of what I mean.
If you click on a transaction it takes you to the Batch Payment which also doesn't show the description of the expense.