Xero Analytics | Short-term cash flows - Add VAT payments
It would be very useful if the cashflow report could intelligently add VAT payments to Cashflow automatically.
For example when a VAT return if filed, automatically add the payment amount and date to the report, learning as it does with repeating outgoings what the date might be - if you're paying by DD this is pretty predictable.
As invoices are generated (payable and receivable) the report already picks up the amount of VAT payable to HMRC and it would not be a stretch to calculate what is due back on purchases, or to use the known VAT reporting date to forecast the amount of VAT due and when.

Karen Bennett commented
Very important as the amounts can have a huge impact on the cash flow.
Without this the cash flow is meaningless in my opinion.
Michael Crooks commented
We would like the same for GST and have the GST payment due based on the draft return until it is finalised.