AU Payroll - Add new super funds from employee profile
When adding a new employee record, allow me to 'create new superannuation' during the process of creating their new record. Currently when adding a new employee record, I need to navigate away from the employee record to 'Settings > Payroll Settings > Superannuation' to add a new superannuation relationship. On the new employee record, when the pop up appears for superannuation, if you could add a spot to say 'Create New relationship' or something under the employee record - I'll buy you a beer.

Alys Kingston commented
Can we get an option to add new superfunds into the employee section when entering the employee details? This would be a lot easier than having to go into settings to add the new superfund.
We find some clients that do their own payroll are just selecting any superfund from the menu if the one they need isn't listed already as there's no option for "add new superfund".
We don't discover this was done until a superannuation lodgment is returned due to incorrect details -
Alison Jape-Henry commented
Could we add the functionality where it verifies a superfund? Rather than waiting until we submit super payments
Edward Henry FIPA FFA commented
An excellent idea. This would save so much time in the workflow process when adding a new employee.
Kerri Hooper commented
I agree that this would be an amazing function. Oftentimes if you have to navigate away from the employee onboarding process, steps get forgotten about. This would improve efficiencies.
Sara Elphick commented
AU Payroll - type to search for super funds when entering employee details under Employment settings