Fixed Assets - Option to Show Depreciation Expense in Cash Basis Reports
This is an ongoing issue for a lot of accountants, as seen in the forums:

Andrew Yager commented
It would be very useful to see this fixed.
chris biffin commented
This needs to be fixed asap - we shouldn't have to create manual journals as a work around.
Jellie Ann commented
Please , we have clients asking for cash basis accounting
Sherrie Dunnings commented
Oh this is surely a quick fix for reports?
Essential to our work. Please prioritize Xero! -
Rhiannon Jones commented
Each month I am having to manually enter journals to record the depreciation which is calculated using the Asset Register. It's crazy that depreciation wouldn't show on a cash basis report. Hoping it gets fixed soon!
Navjot Kaur commented
Many of our clients use cash basis - It is getting very hard to setup the fixed assets first and then go through the process of entering the depreciation through a manual journal. Please FIX it.
Jasmine Liu commented
I don't understand how the cash basis report would exclude the depreciation. Shouldn't all manual journals be cash basis? Why the depreciation is different?
Lisa McMahon commented
Hi, I spend hours each month doing manual journals for my clients to get the fixed assets in the profit and loss as most of my clients are on cash accounting. Hopefully this can be fixed soon.
Mark Sharman commented
In which parallel universe is it a good idea for the accounting software vendor to make deprecation journals and the cash basis of accounting incompatible?
Tony Jensch commented
I am having more requests from cash basis reporting clients who want to run an asset register (Fixed Assets) and have reporting visibility on cash basis reports for immediate asset write off/depreciation
Kerryn Gooding commented
Having a lot of micro businesses on STS, this is one of the reasons we have retained handiledger to prepare financial statements. Come on Xero, a **** of a lot of your customers will operate on a cash basis!
vonda henry commented
I would like to be able to run depreciation on cash basis financials without having to make two journal entries. Can we have a button that said (cash basis with depreciation)
Tash Lennon commented
Definitely something that needs to be fixed, too much time spent to try and fix only to then realise it was a Xero issue and not a user issue. Very frustrating!
Lachlan Niland-Rowe commented
fix this ASAP please
Samip Patel commented
This needs to be fixed
Simone Stevens commented
This needs to be fixed please
Daniel Soo commented
Would this be possible to reverse?
Heather Corbett commented
This needs to be fixed and added as an option asap
Sheldon Rennie commented
Please fix immediately! otherwise there no piont to recommend customers to use xero.
Richard Li commented
Please fix immediately! otherwise there no piont to recommend customers to use xero.