Account Transactions | Batch Payments - Search individual payments within a batch
When doing a search on a bank account for a payment made the search does not include the individual payments which make up a batch payment. So if a payment was made as part of a batch then unless you know the date the payment was made or the name of the supplier it was made to then the search function will not find the payment you are looking for.

Geoff Schmidt commented
This must be bank-dependent. My banks put the transaction through as a single payment so reconciliation of the batch payment is very easy (total batch payment = transaction amount on bank statement).
I've seen this with Westpac and Bendigo Bank.
That was supposed to be a benefit of batch payments so you are not charged transaction fees for each line, only on the one total transaction.
Andrew Barnes commented
Batch payment - record a payment as pending instead of paid, when creating a batch payment, so the bill can still be found using "Find & Match" when reconciling a statement.
This will avoid having to find the Batch Payment then "delete & redo" so Bank feed statements can be reconciled.
Xero Helpdesk sends one on a wild goose chase of suggesting that the bank should modify a batch payment transaction as a single line so Xero can recognise it.
Does any bank actually do this?
It doesn't seem plausible & I certainly want to be able to review our bank statements in individual payment detail, not a lump sum, where we have no idea who was paid.